Queen Sized - Jessa Kane Page 0,15

who they think will win. The tenth or so time I hear Gwen’s name uttered by one of these fools, I grind my back teeth and vow to carry her off as soon as this infernal competition has come to an end.

The water carrying competition has garnered the attention of the entire Joining.

But it’s not only my presence at the event that has stirred interest.

It’s the fact that both kings have come to watch.

Thrones have been carried over for each of us, though sitting still is killing me.

I regard the king of Lavere thoughtfully, wondering why he has chosen to attend, instead of languishing in his tent and drinking wine, as he’s wont to do. He leans to one side and speaks to his advisor, his eyes sharp on the women who wait at the bottom of a hill for the challenge to start. Is he interested in one of the women, too?

He has only recently taken the throne, like me, and does not have a wife.

But surely he is not thinking to purchase one from the auction.

Tightness creeps into the back of my neck and I begin to rise from my seat, determined to solve the mystery, when two young girls begin a loud conversation just behind me.

“Gwen is going to smash them all,” says one. “Just you watch.”

A sniffle, followed by a sob. “But I don’t want her to marry one of this smelly lot, Viola. Why can’t it just stay the three of us?”

“Because we had bad luck with the crops,” explains the first one, patiently. “Now we have to join someone’s coin with our own, so we don’t have to sell the farm.”

“Can’t we just get jobs?” says the girl who is obviously younger.

“I suggested that, but Gwen wants us in school, Sadie. So we don’t have to depend on anyone but ourselves when we’re older, she says.”

A long sigh. “I love Gwen.”

I clear my throat several times but can’t seem to rid myself of the lump.

When I asked—or demanded, rather—that Gwen become my mistress, I didn’t really take her sisters into account. What of them? Would their judgment of Gwen change if she takes the position I’m offering her? What will they think of me?

I force some steel into my spine and sit up straighter in the throne.

These are not problems for a king.

I have combative forces to contend with. Power-hungry enemies. Crops of my own. An army to build. Kingdom walls to reinforce. I have no time for these worries.

Two dirty faces peer past the arm of my throne and I immediately see the girls’ resemblances to Gwen—the same stubbornly set chin and black hair—and something odd moves in my chest.

Again, I clear my throat, but it remains crowded. “Can you see from there?” I ask the children. “Or would you care to stand in front of me for a better view.”

The little one looks petrified, staring up at me, utterly frozen.

The older one nudges her sister, though, getting her moving. “Yes, please. Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“He’s feckin’ huge, isn’t he?” whispers the younger one. “Jesus Christ.”

“Watch your mouth,” hisses the older sister, Viola, face turning red. “Where on earth did you hear those words?”

“From the men over there.” The poor thing sounds woeful. “One of them is going to be living in our feckin’ house, so we should get used to it now.”

The bigger sister smacks her hands over her face. “Language, Sadie!”

I have the oddest urge to laugh.

God, they are kind of charming, aren’t they?

They settle cross-legged onto the ground in front of me and I find myself scowling at anyone who gets too close, lest they accidentally step on one of the tiny girls. A moment later, someone happens by peddling sweets and I signal for two, pointing at Gwen’s sisters. When the man hands over the chocolate pops, I experience a certain satisfaction watching their eyes grow round as saucers, faces breaking into smiles.

When Gwen comes to live with me, they will come, too, of course.

What young girls wouldn’t be thrilled to live in a castle?

I nod with confidence I don’t necessarily feel and settle back into my throne.

For some reason, I can’t seem to relax, though. Some unnamed dread is needling me in the back and all too soon, the competition is beginning. It’s almost more than I can fucking stand, watching this woman I seek to spoil beyond her wildest dreams with a board balanced across her shoulders, two buckets of water dangling on either side of her.

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