Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,50

as a result, he quickly seized crafting tools from Roman hands and gave them back their weapons. Meaning that Rome became well versed in both the arts of war and peace.

“King Tullus commanded the Horatii to fight, then found out how it was possible for one man left standing to defeat all three of their counterparts, the Curiatii triplets. Of course, when he discovered they had sold their souls for victory, naturally this knowledge made an impression enough to stay with him until such a time when it was needed.”

“Well, I think I can see where this is going,” Dariush muttered sarcastically, now leaning back in the stalagmite chair as if no more of an explanation was needed. Of course, he was right in some regard as we had both heard of this tyrant king thanks to the Keepers of Three and the research we had both done over the years. But our interest had always been centred on the Horatii and therefore we had no reason to go beyond their victory.

It seems now, however, we were wrong.

Lucifer went on to explain that after the Alban dictator Mettius Fufetius, lost his fight with the Curiatii triplets, he then had no choice but to enter into a treaty with Tullus. One that would still ensure he would be king to his people, but on the condition that the city of Alba Longa would have no choice but to accept Roman rule. This also meant that should the time arise, and war were to break out from an Etruscan invasion, Mettius would lead the Albans into battle to fight alongside Rome and Tullus as its King of Kings.

However, disappointed by the outcome, Mettius Fufetius later schemed with the Etruscans, having provoked the inhabitants of Veii, convincing them to attack Rome. He did this by making them believe Rome’s defences were weak and Tullus’ army would be easily defeated with the aid of his own army. But then, when the time came for them to head into battle, King Tullus reminded Mettius of his duty to Rome and demand that he honour the treaty made.

However, unbeknown at the time of his scheming, Tullus went into battle believing it an easy win, for Mettius would bring his men. Yet what he didn’t know was that on the day of battle, Mettius slowly withdrew his army and headed up a hilltop to watch the battle commence without his forces, breaking the treaty.

His cowardly intentions were to simply wait until it was over and if the losses were great enough against Rome, he knew fighting the weak would ensure his own victory, meaning he would then charge his army into battle to kill the remainder of the force in his way, so he could claim Rome’s rule for himself.

In short, the guy was a fucking snake and the type of spineless ruler I loathed!

Now, as for the outcome, well, history would have told a very different tale that day… had King Tullus not remembered how a single Horatii brother had gained victory against three others. Because like that brother, King Tullus now faced unbeatable odds as his army was outnumbered and close to being defeated. So, making the decision, Tullus renounced his faith and his belief in his Gods, especially that of Jupiter. Then like the Horatii, he sold his soul to Lucifer. when he realised he would surely lose in battle.

“Of course, I accepted this soul of his, for I confess, his connection with the Horatii intrigued me, along with his determination to win his victory. However, it was in his revenge against Mettius where I really took notice, and foolishly believed once more that he may be the one strong enough that I had been searching for.” Lucifer went on to explain the continued reign of Tullus and what eventually became of him.

This included his revenge again Mettius Fufetius when he consequently betrayed the Romans in battle. For this treacherous act, Mettius was torn in two by chariots running in opposite directions, tearing him to pieces. The result was naturally fatal and after displaying his remains for all to see, it became a clear warning to all future allies of Rome not to betray its rule again.

Added to this threat, was when Tullus then ordered his forces to destroy the city of Alba Longa after forcing all who lived there to move to Rome, to increase its population. After all, more women, meant more fucking, and more fucking meant more sons to be born

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