Queen of my Hart - Emily Royal Page 0,82

for myself.” He tapped his finger on the desk. “And now I find you continued to deceive me, even after we pledged to be honest with each other.”

She lowered her gaze, unable to look at the disappointment in his eyes. The ticking of the clock grew louder. Eventually, he broke the silence.

“Were you never going to tell me about the brat?”

She drew in a sharp breath.

“Deny it if you dare.”

Meggie shook her head. “I cannot.”

“That bastard Hanson was the man who ruined my sister. You gave birth to his child!”

She shrank back under the force of his anger, and he raked his hand through his hair—hair she knew to be soft and silken, hair she loved the feel of under her fingers.

“I knew you were keeping a secret from me, Margaret,” he said.

“You did?”

“Aye, but, fool that I am, I’d assumed you were with child. My child that is, not another’s.”

Her heart shuddered. “Dexter, surely you’re not accusing me of…”

She was interrupted by three sharp knocks on the door.

“For fuck’s sake!” he roared. “Am I to be plagued by everyone today?”

The door opened, and Charles’s face appeared, pale with fear.

“Mr. Peyton’s here to see you, sir,” he said.

“Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“He insisted.” The footman flinched as if expecting a blow. “He said there are several documents requiring your signature, which were due to be issued today.”

Dexter swore.

“Bloody Hanson! Not content with ruining my wife, his timewasting threatens to ruin my business.”

The footman glanced at Meggie and widened his eyes.

Dexter rose to his feet. “Tell Peyton I’ll see him in the parlor,” he said. “As for you,” he turned to Meggie, “Stay in this room until I return. I’ll deal with you later.”

He ushered the footman out of the study and slammed the door behind him.

I’ll deal with you later…

He’d used those same words the day he had Milly thrashed for swimming in the lake.

Anger replaced fear. How dare he threaten her! Did he think to punish her as he saw fit if she did anything he happened to disapprove of?

Yes, he did. And the law was on his side. He could do whatever he wanted with her. And nobody would stop him.

But, worse than the fear of punishment was the knowledge that she’d lost her husband’s trust.

And his love.

She rose from her seat and opened the study door. Charles was nowhere to be seen. Raised voices came from the door across the way. This was her chance. She tiptoed across the hallway, pulled open the main doors, and ran out into the street.


The sun had disappeared, and Meggie increased the pace to warm her limbs. She should have taken her shawl, but her instincts had told her to leave the house as soon as possible.

After a while, she heard footsteps from behind, and she stepped up the pace. At the end of the street, she turned and headed toward Hyde Park. The footsteps drew closer, and a ripple of fear threaded through her.

Someone was in pursuit.

She turned into a side street and broke into a run, then slammed into a wall of muscle.

Two hands grasped her arms, and she wrinkled her nose at the stench of cologne.

“Steady on, lover! Your eagerness is showing,” a familiar voice said.

She looked up into George Hanson’s eyes. With a cry, she struggled to break free.

“Kicked you out already, Megs?”

“Leave me alone!” she cried.

“Oh, Megs,” he said. “I thought we’d renewed our friendship.”

“You were never my friend,” she said. “But you’ve made one fatal mistake.”

“Which is?”

“You’ve killed the goose, George,” she snarled. “I don’t care who else you tell, for you’ve told the one person who matters to me. And my husband won’t care enough to buy your silence.”

He tightened his grip, and she winced.

“Unhand me,” she said. “Now.”

“You heard the lady,” a new voice said.

George’s eyes widened, a hint of fear in their expression.

Meggie turned to face the newcomer.

Tall, with thick black hair, he wore a dark cloak capable of melting into the shadows. A mask concealed the upper half of his face.

His shadow, cast by the moonlight, stretched across the pavement. “Unhand her,” he said, “or you’ll suffer the consequences of assaulting a lady.”

“Lady!” George scoffed, “she’s nothing but a…ow!” He reeled back as the newcomer slammed his fist into his face.

“Leave,” he said. “Now. If I see you in London again, I’ll shoot you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” George said. “I’d have you arrested.”

“A difficult accomplishment from beyond the grave, but you’re welcome to try.”

George’s eyes widened, and, like all bullies, he quaked

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