A Queen of Gilded Horns (A River of Royal Blood #2) - Amanda Joy Page 0,67

shook her head. “Unlikely, but I suppose it is possible. However, the King’s death is not why we are here, Hunter.”

“You’re right, Mother Ysai, but I don’t understand why I am sitting here. I aided a khimaer Princess in danger of being killed.”

“What you learned later does not absolve you from forsaking your commands,” Ysai said with a sniff. “She is still a human, and though my mother believed you had learned from your past mistakes, I am not so sure.”

“Forgive me, Mother Ysai. I admit when I began to suspect the truth, I became protective. Forgive me for believing the Princess would be a useful ally.”

How kind of you, a feminine voice whispered through his mind. Eva might as well have spoken right into his ear for as clearly as he could hear her. What is this? Are you a prisoner?

Baccha made an effort to school his face. Doing a little spying again?

“Your treachery may yet prove useful,” Ysai said, rising from her seat to look at the Elderi. “Lord Baccha can attest to the unrest in the South. We cannot wait here forever. We must act now and make plans to take the capital.”

Since you won’t tell me anything, what else am I to do? You made it to the Tribe, then? Who is Mother Ysai?

Baccha opened his mouth, preparing to reply to the words in his head. Ysai’s sharp look shocked him back to his senses. Sorry, a bit busy here.

“You are right,” he said, offering a smile that faded beneath her glare. “Following the King’s death, the Queen has turned her attention on Dracol. Both Rival Heirs are missing from the capital.” He’d barely finished speaking before the Elderi began arguing among themselves. Baccha tried to keep track of the different sides, but it was difficult with Eva’s voice buzzing in his ear.

Baccha, what is going on here? He could feel her agitation seeping through the bond. You are going to bring them south?

I am doing this for you. Unless I’m wrong and you already have a bevy of allies.

How Eva had managed to convey a snort of laughter through the bond, Baccha could not say. Somehow I doubt this is just about me, Baccha.

Fair enough, Princess, he thought with a shrug. Baccha knew he should explain the whole of his plan to help her and free himself, but he would sound just as self-serving as she already thought. Just watch.

His attention was drawn back to the bickering Elderi by Ysai’s glare.

Eva’s presence in his head reminded Baccha there was one last thing he wanted to share. Tell me, Eva, have you shifted yet?

Her shock suffused through the bond. So you knew. Thanks for sharing that with me. Bastard.

I can hear you, Princess.


Before their mental exchange could devolve into more bickering, Baccha held up a hand. “There is one thing you should all know that I learned in the South. It may soothe your misgivings about returning to Myre.”

Ysai quieted the Elderi. “Yes, Lord Hunter. What is it?”

Baccha gave her a wolfish smile. “Against all odds, the human Princess I aided in the South possesses Khimaerani’s gift.”

The look of betrayal on Ysai’s face sent genuine fear skating down Baccha’s spine. It promised revenge.

“What?” Ysai’s voice was quiet but it snapped through the room like a whip. “What proof do you have, Hunter?”

He could still sense Eva, like a tight bundle of energy buzzing at the back of his neck.

Baccha shrugged, fighting to keep the smile from his face. “You are free to compel me with my oath, Mother. I wouldn’t have thought it possible either. Very few khimaer of mixed heritage ever inherited the ability to shapeshift, but I speak the truth.”

Ysai gave a sharp jerk of her head. “She may be khimaer by blood, but she is human in nature. She possesses the accursed magick that slaughtered thousands of our people. She was raised in a den of violence and treachery.”

“How can she be blamed for the magick she was born with?” Baccha countered. “It is not her fault that, instead of telling her the truth, the King isolated her.”

“Khimaerani will provide a Queen for us at one of the Enclosures. This changes nothing.”

“Come now, Mother Ysai. It changes quite a lot,” said Eramin, the Elderi who had begun Baccha’s questioning. “If what the Hunter says is true, Khimaerani already has provided. I am not so keen to turn away her blessing.”

“Yes,” Baccha said, flashing Eramin a grateful smile. “Now a young woman chosen by

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