Queen of the Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #3) - Linsey Hall Page 0,24

my bed!”

Hey, if it worked.

“I can look for that information.” And I was willing to lie to him if I had to. I didn’t want to, but it would be a small price to pay for saving Tarron and his kingdom. And I could seek him out later to apologize. Maybe even bring Aethelred back to find the lady if I couldn’t.

“You first,” I said to Tarron.

He nodded and his magic filled the air with the scent of autumn and the sound of wind whistling through the trees. A moment later, he held a perfect golden lyre, which he handed to the satyr.

Fabius took it and inspected it, then strummed a tune.

Instinct made me slap my hands over my ears, and I kicked Tarron. He covered his ears.

The faint sound of the lyre penetrated my hearing, and I swayed.

The bastard was trying to enchant us.

I kicked him hard in the hairy goat thigh, and he stopped, scowling.

Tentatively, I removed my hands from my ears but kept my gaze on his instrument. “I will kick your ass if you try that again.”

He harrumphed. “It was worth a try. How did you know?”

“I didn’t. Common sense. Don’t let some random mythological creature play an ancient instrument. Probably trying to brainwash you.”

“Real familiar with brainwashing, are you?”

“You have no idea, pal. Now, are you really going to help us?”

“If you tell me where my lady is.”

“I want a blood oath.”

“Ugh. Fine.” He pulled a little silver dagger from his thigh holster and sliced his arm. I wouldn’t make the same vow with him—not the one I’d made with Tarron. For the satyr to spill blood, it would be enough.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. “Well, get on with it.”

He let the blood drip onto the stones. “I, Fabius the satyr, vow to give you the sight so that you may reach the Guardians of the Eternal Flame. If you tell me how to find my satyress.”

“Good enough for me.” I closed my eyes and called upon my vision.

Surprisingly, this was a lot easier than finding the Guardians. Maybe because less was at stake, since I was prepared to lie if I had to. Almost immediately I saw a satyress sitting by the ocean. It gleamed a perfect blue as cliffs towered around her. A strange rock sat next to her, shaped almost like a lamb. Weird.

I opened my eyes. “I’ve found her.”

“Where? When?”

“I don’t know when, but it felt soon. She’s at a strange beach.” I described everything I’d seen, hoping he would recognize it.

“Ah, Lamb’s Folly Beach.”

“Yep, that’s the one.” I nodded, trying to look knowledgeable. Really, I was just grateful I hadn’t had to lie. Been doing too much of that lately.

“Excellent.” He rubbed his hands together, eyes gleaming. “I’ll be off, then!”

I grabbed his arm. “The sight, remember?”

“Yes, yes.” He sighed, then waved his hands in front of each of our eyes. Magic sparked from his palm, and my eyeballs felt warm.


I blinked, my vision rapidly clearing.

The coliseum was positively packed. Two gladiators fought in the middle, their armor speckled with red blood and gleaming under the sun. The crowd roared and cheered, blood lust in their tone.

“Ugh.” This kind of fight-to-the-death scenario had always grossed me out.

The irony didn’t escape me that that’s how I’d met Tarron. But at least I’d chosen to fight. Gladiators often didn’t.

The crowd nearest us stiffened and turned, as if they finally sensed our presence. Dozens of people dressed in ancient Roman garb stared at us, their brows furrowed.

“Intruders,” muttered one.

“Invaders,” said another.

“Oh, shit.” I looked at Fabius.

He grinned. “I seemed to have forgotten to mention that they can see you, too, now. And they don’t like outsiders.”

“You bastard.”

He shrugged. “But here’s some advice you will want to follow. There’s no reasoning with this lot.” He hiked a thumb toward the people who were beginning to stand and approach us. “But if you truly mean the Guardians no harm, then find the Vestal Virgins. They will save your life.”


“And avoid the storms, whatever you do. And that’s all!” He turned and sprinted off.

“The little bastard,” Tarron muttered. He drew a sword and shield from the ether. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Best idea I’ve heard all day.” I called upon my wings, determined to avoid a fight. I needed to save my energy and my power.

I launched myself into the air, the action coming more easily and effortlessly than ever. Wind tore at my hair as I flew high above the

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