Pure & Sinful (Pure Souls) - By Killian McRae Page 0,82

And evil always looks pretty on the surface. Seductive, even. But if you want me like that…”

Magic filtered through the air like heat against her skin. Lucy’s frame shifted, the contours of her soft, delicate curves expanding, morphing. In the span of a few blinks, her biceps bulged, her pecs petrified, her height shot up, and her … Well, suffice it to say, in a male body, Lucifer’s endowment was ungodly. She only got a momentary glance, however, as the rock-hard male form that Lucy had embodied became surrounded by a cloud of black mist. As it cleared, it became apparent that the devil found a way to slip on some Levis and a leather vest. Bronzed skin, that she was certain tasted of whiskey, peeked out temptingly from a chest and a washboard stomach that should have been patented by Whirlpool.

Staring wide-eyed and mouth agape, Riona indulged a moment of unbridled lust before squashing it down like a fitted sheet in a linen closet. “Answer my question.”

“Answer your question, love?” As a man, Lucifer’s voice was the perfect combination of gravel and velvet, like a man’s face with a bit of sexy stubble. And British. Coyly, seductively British. One corner of his mouth quirked as he took a few steps forward. “Hasn’t anyone told you, baby? When the mantle of the Keystone fell upon you, the cosmos shifted. When the Big Boss gives projections, he doesn’t take out an ad in the paper. He moves the heavens and creates an omen. You’ve got one dark destiny, witch. You’re going to be the bride of Hell.” His eyes traced Riona from tip to toe, lust and desire and need playing in his eyes. “Marc didn’t have a bad start, but I really can’t wait until I get a chance to shag you proper for all time. The things I’m going to do to you, Riona… Hell hath no fury like a woman porned.”

All air left her when she hit the wall at the back of the room. Blinking wildly, she tried to gauge what Lucifer had done to send her flying eight feet. But as she focused, she saw that the magic which moved her hadn’t come from the devil at all. It came from Marc.

The priest, disregarding his unclad state, leapt to his feet, his chest heaving. The amber glow of angry magic still danced on the tips of his fingers, his hands at his sides like an old cowboy keeping his guns at the ready.

“You’ll never touch her!”

The priest cocked back his right hand as another blast of magic propelled forward, hitting the devil squarely on the breastbone. The impact made Lucifer stumble, but didn’t force one little cut into that sinfully-sculpted chest.

The devil let out a full-bellied chuckle. “Marc… Energy blasts? And you’re not even a Keystone? Damnation has already doubled your strength. You draw your power from me now. See what a little sin can win? Can’t wait until I get you home and reincarnate you into demon flesh. It channels the powers of Hell better, you know? You’re going to be a first-class minion, priest. Almost makes up for losing Jerry.”

“No!” Riona threw her arms back against the wall, propelling herself forward and filling the distance between Lucifer and Marc. “Take me instead.”

“Keystone, baby, I can’t. Only damned human souls can get into Hell, and you haven’t committed a sin worthy of the punishment.”

“Not yet,” Riona concurred. “But if I make a deal with you, I will be, right? Isn’t that one of the roads to Hell, aligning yourself with the devil? I know you can take one soul in the place another, if the offer is made willingly.” She held out her arms and presented her naked form. “Take me.”

Lucifer grinned. “Someone’s been doing her homework.”

Gnashing her teeth, the scowl that covered Riona’s face even made the devil shiver. “Like you didn’t fucking plan this the whole time.”

“Riona, don’t do it!” Marc spun the witch around to face him. “You see what my magic has become just from falling? Think! Think what you’ll be like under his control. Think of what he can do to humanity when he has someone as powerful as you, remade in the fires of Hell.”

Tears pulled at her, but she was trying to keep a brave face for his sake. “I can’t let this happen. I can’t let your love for me condemn you.”

“Come, now, children,” Lucifer offered, putting his arm around them and drawing them near. “Why all

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