The Puppeteer - By Tamsen Schultz Page 0,13

trustworthy, added a layer of complexity to the investigation no one wanted. As far as Ty was concerned, the less said, the fewer opportunities he would have to question them or their actions.

“We're going to meet Cotter, who runs visual surveillance, then I'll take you up to the sunroom to have a look at Getz's compound. After that, if there's anything you want to follow up on before you leave, feel free.”

“Aw shucks, you're just saying that.”

She turned and caught his eye. And laughed. He knew there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell he would be ‘free’ to follow up on anything. At least he had a sense of humor about it.

As they climbed the stairs to the second floor, Ty changed modes. “Since you're not going to tell me anything interesting, explain the handles to me.” It was an easy topic. A safe one. And one that would keep him from thinking about the case, and what she wasn't saying.

“Where should I start?” she glanced back at him over her shoulder.


“Marmie looks like the quintessential school Marm, don't you think? She's an amazing woman. I've worked with her a long time and not a single thing has changed about her. Not her hair, not her clothes, not her glasses. She could be anywhere from forty to sixty. I have no idea.”

“You mentioned a Cotter?”

“Cotter's handle followed him from the Army and he refuses to tell anyone the origin. Adam's too new to the team, he doesn't have one yet. And Spanky, well,” she paused, searching for the right words. “Let's just say that when he was in training, he spent a lot longer in the shower than most of the other guys.”

Ty chuckled. “Hell of a stigma to carry around. Though, of course, he didn't seem to mind,” he added. “And what about yours, Mack?”

Dani winced to herself. She knew the origin of her name and had always thought it sounded more sarcastic than true. But in the confines of the stairwell, walking so close to Ty and refusing to acknowledge anything about the night before, she heard a ring of truth in it, and it didn't feel good. So she hedged.

“Long story,” she shrugged. “But it's short for Mack Truck.”

That earned another small, knowing laugh. “Let me guess, you run your investigations like one?”

She did, that was true, but that wasn't where the name came from. They hit the landing and she moved to look out one of the tall windows. The peninsula where Ramon Getz's house sat was visible over the bluff, but she pointed it out.

“We can start to see his property from here,” she explained. “After we meet Cotter, I'll take you up to the sunroom where we have a great view of his place.”

“You have people set up in the sunroom?” Ty asked.

“Not full time. Most of them are set up closer, but Cotter sends people up every now and then. It's a convenient site, but doesn't add to what we're seeing from some of the other locations.”

Ty nodded and she moved away from the window.

“So the name. Mack,” he repeated. “Was I right? Are you a Mack Truck?”

“When it comes to men, according to Spanky and Adam, I am,” she answered, figuring honesty was the best route.

“Men?” His head drew back and an eyebrow arched.

“Yes,” she said. “The team teases me about my dating practices. Or lack thereof, since I don't date often,” she added. “Anyway, they claim, that I'm like a Mack Truck when it comes to men—I barrel in and barrel on, leaving men emotionally flattened behind me.”

“Emotionally flattened.” Ty repeated the words, testing them. They were silent for a few minutes, and then Ty made a little “huh” sound.

She stopped and turned to face him.

“Was that a warning?” he asked. He didn't look warned off.

“Just a fact. You asked about handles, now you know,” she lied. She wanted him warned off. For her sake probably more than his.

“For the record,” he said. “I wouldn't agree with the assessment. To emotionally flatten someone, you'd have to get emotionally involved, and I'd wager that's something you don't do, is it, Agent Williamson?”

The comment unsettled her, even as her eyes held his. There was no challenge, no judgment in his voice, nothing she could respond to. And when she realized he wasn't going to push, he wasn't going to demand an answer, her heart rate kicked up and she could feel the sudden rush of blood course through her body. He wasn't going Copyright 2016 - 2024