Public Marriage, Private Secrets - By Helen Bianchin Page 0,49

I do.’

‘Our marriage resumed and reinstated. I want you with me every day, every night, for the rest of my life. As my wife. If Bellissima is so important to you, we’ll source out a suitable boutique here.’

Stay? Remain here permanently? To be with him was what she wanted more than anything in the world…but she had obligations, responsibilities she needed to attend to, which meant a return to Australia.

She had to think with her head.

‘A week. Just one week,’ Gianna pleaded. ‘I’ll contact Annaliese, call my lawyer, a leasing agent. Set everything in motion so it can be tied up as quickly as possible.’ She placed a hand over her heart. ‘I give you my word.’

‘All of which can be achieved from here.’

‘I have clothes, effects at the apartment I should take care of in person.’

‘I can arrange for the entire contents of your apartment to be transported here, for cleaners to ready it for leasing.’

‘Can’t you see?’ she begged. ‘I have to go back.’

Her independence was something he admired. Together with her strength of purpose. Even in this instance, when it worked against him. If he could conceivably take a week and accompany her he would, but he had important meetings in Madrid all week, and in truth he was reluctant to be too far away from Teresa.

A week. It wasn’t a lifetime. Capitulation at this point, given the big picture, their future together, wasn’t an issue. Even if he’d merely exist without her.

‘When do you want to leave?’

What was the time? Gianna checked the bedside clock. ‘I can put a few calls through now. Follow them up with e-mails. I could probably take a flight within twenty-four hours.’

‘I’ll call my pilot and arrange to have the Lear jet on standby.’

‘You don’t need to do that.’

His eyes pierced hers. ‘Yes, I do.’

Any further protest she might have voiced became lost as he stood easily to his feet, discarded his robe, then her own, and drew her down onto the bed and into his arms.

Telling Teresa of her plans wasn’t the easiest thing Gianna had to do, but Teresa listened, nodded her head in silent agreement, and offered sagely, ‘If you feel it’s something you must attend to personally, then, my dear, you should follow your instinct.’

‘A week. Then I’ll be back.’ She reached out and clasped Teresa’s hands within her own. ‘I give you my word.’

‘I know,’ she said gently. ‘Raúl has made the necessary arrangements for you?’


‘When do you leave?’

‘Late this afternoon.’

‘Will you walk with me in the garden?’

‘Of course.’

They talked only of the flowers, and how Miguel planned new borders for the spring, how splendid the colours would be…different shades of pink, lilac, dispersed among the white blooms. The brilliant yellows, creams…the reds in all their glory.

‘I can visualise them now,’ Teresa said wistfully. ‘A glorious floral pathway. All my favourites.’ She paused to offer a light laugh. ‘I have so many.’

‘You love it here.’

‘Yes. My beloved husband brought me here not long after Raúl was born. He wanted to gift me something very special for the son we had made together. He thought this villa worthy of my attention,’ Teresa revealed. ‘I fell in love with it at first sight. The view was amazing, the interior perfect. It did need a little tender loving care, and that was given. I had carte blanche, and when it was finished we came here often. I designed the gardens, and now Miguel keeps them much the same. I am sure his hands itch at times to plan something different, but he never argues with me. Occasionally I feel inclined to surprise him, but that would mean change, and I prefer to keep things the way they were. It helps me remember the good times. The tree which Raúl loved to climb, until he fell and broke his arm. I wanted the tree cut down, but my husband insisted it should stand as a reminder.’ She lifted a hand and indicated the tree. ‘It beckons children, don’t you think?’

Something caught in Gianna’s throat, and she swallowed it down. ‘Yes, it does.’ In fact, its branches seemed to curve inwards, almost in a protective embrace.

‘This place represents so much to me. Above all, it lends itself to peace. It’s where I want to be…among so many wonderful memories.’

They had walked almost full circle, and as they reentered the villa Teresa drew her close in a gentle hug. Gianna extracted the gift she’d bought and placed it in Teresa’s hand.

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