Proven Guilty (The Dresden Files #8) - Jim Butcher Page 0,48

worked to preserve, was a sudden and vast comfort.

Ive said it before, and Ill say it again.

Murphy is good people.

Maybe youre right, I said. Hells bells, Ive got to stop feeling sorry for myself and get to work.

Start with food and rest, she said. If you dont hear from me, assume Ill pick you up in the morning.

Right, I said.

We sat there holding hands for a minute. Karrin? I asked.

She looked up at me. Her eyes looked very large, very blue. I couldnt stare at them too long. Have you ever thought abouthellip; you know. Us?

Sometimes, she said.

Me too, I said. Buthellip; the timing always seems to be off, somehow.

She smiled a little. I noticed.

Do you think itll ever be right?

She squeezed my hand gently, and then withdrew hers from mine. I dont know. Maybe sometime. She frowned at her hand, and then said, It would change a lot of things.

It would, I said.

Youre my friend, Harry, Murphy said. No matter what happens. Sometimes in the pasthellip; I havent really done right by you.

Like when you handcuffed me in my office, I said.


And when you chipped one of my teeth arresting me.

Murphy blinked. I chipped a tooth?

And when

Yes, all right, she said. She gave me a mild glare, her cheeks pink.

The point is that I should have seen that you were one of the good guys a lot sooner than I did. Andhellip;

I blinked at her ingenuously, and waited for her to say it.

And Im sorry, she growled. Jerk.

That had cost her something. Murphy has more pride than is good for her. And yes, I am aware of the proverb about glass houses and stones. So I didnt give her any more of a hard time than I already had. Dont go all romantic on me now, Murph.

She smiled a little and rolled her eyes. If we ever did get together, Id kill you inside a week. Now, go get some rest. Youre useless to me like this.

I nodded and swung out of the car. In the morning, then.

Around eight, she said, and pulled out and back onto the street. She called to me, Be careful!

I looked after the car and sighed. My feelings about Murphy were still in a hopelessly complicated tangle. Maybe I should have said something to her sooner. Shared my feelings with her sooner. Acted more swiftly, taken the initiative.

Be careful, she said.

Why did I feel like Id been too careful already?

* * *

Chapter Fifteen

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My Mickey Mouse alarm clock went off at seven, and buzzed stubbornly at me until I kicked off the covers, sat up, and shut it off. I ached all over, felt stiff all over, but that sense of overwhelming exhaustion had faded, and since I was already vertical, I got moving.

I got into the shower, and tried not to jump too much when the first shock of freezing water hit me. Ive had some practice at it. Ive never had a water heater last me more than a week without some kind of technical problem coming upand that was the kind of thing you just did not want to take chances on when you have a gas heater. So my showers were always either cold or colder. Given my dating life, and the inhuman charms available to some of the beings who occasionally faced off with me, it was probably just as well.

But, especially when I had bumps and bruises and sore muscles, I wished I could have a skin-blistering hot shower like everyone else in the country.

And suddenly the water shifted from ice-cold to piping hot. It was a shock, and I actually let out a little yelp and danced around in the shower until I could redirect the shower head so that it wasnt scalding my bits and pieces. After the initial shock of the temperature change, I leaned my aching head and neck into the spray for a second, and let out a long groan. Then I said, Dammit, I told you to stop that.

Lasciels voice murmured in a quiet laugh under the sound of the water. The sensation of phantom fingertips dug into the wire-tight muscles at the base of my neck, easing soreness away. You should use the technique I taught you last autumn to block out the discomfort.

I dont need to, I said, and tried for grouchy. But the heated water and massaging fingers, illusory though they were, were simply delicious. Ill be fine.

Your discomfort is my discomfort, my host, she said, and sighed. Copyright 2016 - 2024