Proven Guilty (The Dresden Files #8) - Jim Butcher Page 0,36

against the wall. He had on his uniform, but had added on a SplatterCon!!! name tag. He had filled in the name on the card with a marker, too, though his blocky script under the HI, Im read An Authority Figure . The uniform name stripe on his shirt read RAWLINS.

Well now, the cop said as I walked over to him. He opened his mostly closed eyes and gave me a wary smile. He read my name tag and snorted. Its the consultant guy. Thinks hes a wizard.

Rawlins, I said, smiling, and offered him my hand. He took it, his grip lazily strong.

So youre one of those horror movie fans, huh? he rumbled.

Um, yes, I said.

He snorted again.

I was sort of hoping I could get into the bathroom there.

Rawlins pursed his lips. Theres two more on this floor. Ones back near the front desk, and theres another at the end of the other conference hall.

I like this one, I said.

Rawlins squinted at me and said, Maybe you cant read so good. You see that tape there, says crime scene and such?

The bright yellow and black stuff? I asked.

Thats it exactly.


Well, thats what we police use when we have a crime scene and we dont want nosy private investigators stomping all over it in their big boots and contaminating everything, he drawled.

What if I promise to walk on tippy toe?

Then I promise I will stop bouncing you off walls just as soon as I think youre not resisting arrest, he said in a cheerful tone. The smile faded a little and his eyes hardened. Its a crime scene. No.

Molly, I said quietly. Would you mind if I talked to the officer alone?

Sure, she said. There are things I need to handle anyway. Excuse me. She walked away without looking back.

Do you mind talking about it? I asked Rawlins.

Naw, he said. Look, you seem okay, Dresden. Ill talk. But Im not letting you in there.

Why not? I asked.

Because it might make things harder on the kid we took in for it.

I frowned and tilted my head. Yeah?

Rawlins nodded. Kid didnt do it, he said. But hotel security cameras show him going in there, then the victim, and no one else. And I was sitting right here in this spot the whole time. Im sure no one else went in or out.

So how do you know the kid didnt attack the old man? I asked.

Rawlins gave an easy shrug. Didnt fit him. He wasnt breathing hard, and giving a beating runs you out of breath quick. No damage to his hands or knuckles. No blood on him.

So whyd you arrest him? I asked.

Because the record shows that theres no one else who could have done it, Rawlins said. And because the old man was too out of it to talk and clear him. Kid didnt beat on the old man, but that doesnt mean that he wasnt in with whoever did. I figured maybe he knows how the attacker got in and out unseen, so I took him down and booked him. I figured if he was an accomplice, hed spill rather than take the whole fall himself. Rawlins grimaced. But he didnt spill. Didnt know a damn thing.

Then whyd he get put away? I asked.

Didnt know he had a record until the paperwork was already going. Repeat offender got a real steep hill to climb as a suspect. Makes it look bad for him. He might take the fall on this even if hes innocent.

I shook my head. Youre sure no one could have gone in or out?

I was right here, he said. Anyone went past me without me noticing, they were a Jedi Knight or something.

Or something, I muttered, glancing at the door.

The girlfriend, Rawlins said, nodding after the departed Molly. She get you involved in this?

Daughter of a friend, I said, nodding. Bailed him out.

Rawlins grunted. Damn shame for that kid. I played it by the book, buthellip; He shook his head. Sometimes the book dont do enough.

The girl thinks hes innocent, I said.

The girl always thinks theyre innocent, Dresden, Rawlins said, without malice. Problem is that theres pretty good evidence that says he aint. Good enough to send a repeat offender upstate, unless the lab guys find something in there or on the old man to clear him. Which brings us back to why you aint going in.

I nodded, frowning. What if I told you it might be something weird?

He shrugged. What if you did?

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