The Proposal - Kitty Thomas Page 0,60

show so she doesn't become alarmed and spook like a frightened young colt before we reach our destination.

“It's closed,” she says when we reach the door and the sign with the hours on it. She seems disappointed, and I almost want to hug her. And I know Dayne does. Dayne has always been the softest with our women. And he's become even more taken with Livia than usual.

Soren says nothing but simply slides his key card into the slot beside the door. The light flicks from red to green, and the door lock clicks open to allow us entrance. Soren arranged to have things set up for us, to disable the security codes that lock down the pool even with a key card after midnight.

Livia looks uncertain. “Won't we get in trouble?”

Soren just laughs and guides her inside. It's sort of hilarious that anyone would come scold us for swimming past midnight with the rate we're paying.

Dayne and I stand outside the door as bodyguards, lest another rule-breaking guest attempt to walk in and interrupt. He and I exchange a glance and look in through the window.

I know what Soren is telling her. He's telling her to take the bikini off. He's telling her it's okay because Dayne and Griffin are guarding the door. No one can get in, and no one will be allowed to peer in through the window. But she sees right through the faux concern for her public modesty.

She points now, having seen the black shiny globes overhead. They're meant to look like part of the décor, and probably most people don't even think about it, but she knows they're cameras. Livia is both one of the smartest women I've ever met, and somehow also one of the most naïve. She is both light and darkness, innocence and sin. And as it all unfolds before us in the most beautifully fucked-up story, I'm glad Soren insisted that we all initiate her tonight, on her wedding night.

I feel bound to her now in a way I didn't feel with just the contracts we signed, even though it was those legal documents that truly tied us together.

First-time sex between a couple on the wedding night is one of many traditions that still contains an unexpected thrill. And it's every too-greedy man's loss not to get this experience. Consummation means so little when you've already been consummating for months or even years. The specialness is gone. People talk about the importance of sexual compatibility—and I agree—but there are a lot of sexually dissatisfied married people who took each other for plenty of test drives before vows were ever exchanged.

The cameras in the natatorium are all in working condition, filming everything that happens with both sound and image. At this very moment there are a couple of men in a room on the basement level who can see the video and hear every word of what happens between Soren and Livia.

I adjust my dick, the uncomfortable tightness causing my mind to scream to be inside her again. I don't technically have to stand here. Dayne is enough of a deterrent. There's no need for this Secret Service level of security on one door. For fuck's sake. Soren and Livia aren't royalty or celebrities, though I'm sure despite the bribe, the late night kitchen staff is abuzz with what's really going on on the wedding night of the Fairchild/Kingston wedding.

I could watch and listen from the security room. After this is over Soren will have the footage. It'll end up in a safe at the estate, and when we're feeling nostalgic one of us will no doubt take it out and watch and jerk off. Maybe all three of us will. Maybe we'll make Livia watch it and touch herself while we watch her.

We could have arranged this late night pool access with money and had the cameras turned off. I could go to the basement right now and shut it down—though not without a serious confrontation with Soren later, and I want that video footage as much as he does. I want this wedding night souvenir.

The price that was agreed to for having the security code disabled was that they'd be allowed to watch. Soren wants them to watch. He gets off on it. I do, too. And the erection Dayne is sporting speaks for itself.

As soon as this is over, I'll go get a copy of the video and the original will be deleted from their system. I should Copyright 2016 - 2024