The Proposal - Kitty Thomas Page 0,47

this brief fantasy interlude.

I look up. “Yes?”

“I'd like you to wait out in the hallway for us. We have some business to discuss that doesn't concern you.”

Yeah, right. But I only nod, too dazed to argue or fight after legally binding myself to these men, after the words that just passed across this table and the strangers who heard it all. My face flames again, but I stand. Everyone else in the room stands as well, and I walk out, shutting the door softly behind me.

After the meeting with the attorneys, I'm taken directly to a doctor of their choosing to get those fertility tests. I expected it to be some creepy frail man—part of their old boys network. But it isn't. It's a kind, middle-aged woman with curly brown hair and delicate gold-framed glasses. She explains all the tests she's running before doing the exam and taking samples for testing. She reassures me and tells me about the new developments in fertility treatments should they become necessary, including options like surrogates, even donor eggs if I really and truly were infertile. Depending on the circumstances I could carry the baby or someone else could. My egg or someone else's.

Soren briefly outlined some of these options on the ride over. They want the babies to be ours together biologically, but they need heirs. My biological material isn't strictly required.

The sky really is the limit here. At this point fertility tests seem like just another humiliating exercise, reminding me of the totality of their ownership over my body.

All three men have chosen to be with me in the room. The doctor makes zero comment about this—even though, just like the pre-nup meeting, this is highly irregular. Every time some weird thing like this happens, I'm reminded of just how much power these men have and how little they care for any laws or rules of society, how easy it is for them to bend all of those laws and rules. Money talks, and all they need is the right people to listen.

I'm not in a paper gown like I might be in a normal gynecological setting. This is what I can only describe as a luxury medical spa and fertility clinic. I had no idea such things existed, but here I am, so clearly they do.

So no, it's not a paper gown.

When everything is finished, I'm directed to get dressed and meet the doctor back in her office. The men and doctor leave me, and I put my clothes back on. When I get to the doctor's private office, a cup of hot tea in a delicate porcelain cup along with a couple of what appear to be bakery-fresh shortbread cookies are waiting for me.

The teacup has three delicate light blue robin eggs nestled inside a small nest hand-painted on the side. I wonder briefly if this was a thematic choice on the part of the fertility clinic or if they just liked the design. It does, after all match the office's décor. At the same time... eggs are a little on the nose.

“Do you have any questions Ms. Fairchild?” the doctor asks turning her attention finally from her conversation with Griffin, Dayne, and Soren over to me. Finally, I exist again. It's only my body which will be bearing the burden of these heirs after all.

I shake my head. After all, what could I possibly ask in this situation? I've just finished my tea and cookies when Soren thanks the doctor for her time and discretion and offers me a hand to help me out of my chair and to the door, Griffin and Dayne following close behind us.

When we get out to the car, Soren says, “That will be your doctor when the babies come.”

“You mean the heirs?” I ask a bit acidly.

“Careful, Livia.” But as he opens the car door for me, I feel somewhat relieved and comforted to know that sweet woman will be the one who is there for me while I'm delivering my part of the contracts.



Wedding preparations

Four months ago. February.

After the doctor's appointment this afternoon, Soren put me in a separate car with a driver to escort me home. The phone rings at nine p.m. Like clockwork. Every night when I don't go out with one of them, I get this phone call at nine. When I do go out with one of them, I get the call at midnight. They've decided to go back to this dating situation we had where they each Copyright 2016 - 2024