Proof of Life (The Potentate of Atlanta #4) - Hailey Edwards Page 0,99

me, and I don’t even care, because ohmygoddess that ring is the coolest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.” She flung herself into his arms, knocking him to the floor and landing astride him. “I will marry you, but only if you agree to a Star Trek-themed wedding.” She bounced on his hips. “I’ll be Captain Kirk, and you can be Mr. Spock.”

I love her, he reminded himself. To the USS Enterprise and back.

“Hadley, darlin’.” Ford cleared his throat. “I can see you’re very excited, but there are still kids present.”

Yanked to attention, she noticed their positions, flushed scarlet, then slid onto the floor next to Midas.

Amazed the ring was still snug in the box, he plucked it from its velvet bed and guided it onto her finger.

Raising her hand, she admired the sparkle. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I was talking to the ring.” She slanted him a playful glance. “You’re not half bad either.”

“Live long and prosper,” Grier shouted, and the others raised their voices alongside hers.

“We are going to have the geekiest wedding.” Hadley smiled at the ring. “I really do love you.”

Midas couldn’t help a laugh as he watched her. “Do you and the ring need to get a room?”

“I was talking to you,” she said without moving her gaze from her hand. “How about you come stand in front of the ring. I can’t seem to look away from it.”

“Ha-ha.” He rose and brought her to her feet before him. “You’re sure you want this?”

“You?” She stuck her palm against his nose. “Or the ring?”

“I should have asked you before I opened the box. Maybe then you’d have given me a straight answer.”

“I’m planning a wedding.” She squealed with utter joy. “What do you think the answer is?”

“I suspect it depends on whether or not you get to keep the ring if things don’t work out between us.”

“Stop torturing the boy.” His mom waded in, took Hadley’s hand to break her line of sight with the ring, and examined the stone. “Tell him what he needs to hear.”

Dutifully, she smiled up at him. “Yes, Midas, I will marry you.”

“It’s a lovely ring,” his mother said. “Is the theme negotiable?”

“No,” he and Hadley answered together.

This was her wedding, and she would plan it to suit her. He would see to it. The tradition wasn’t a gwyllgi one, so it cost them nothing to let her indulge whatever little-girl fantasies she harbored about her big day.

Even if it meant wearing pointed ears, having his eyebrows drawn on, and learning to make his fingers cooperate in the Vulcan salute.

Hadley was worth it. All of it. She was worth everything.

The outdoor party wound down as bellies filled with burgers, steaks, and brats, and little ones’ eyes got heavy. The night had gone better than he could have dreamed, and he couldn’t wipe the dopey grin off his face each time Hadley nearly poked out the eye of anyone who asked to see her ring in her eagerness to flash it at them.

That she had known about Carbonado diamonds didn’t surprise him, and she was quick to educate anyone who asked (and some who didn’t) about how scientists theorized their scarcity was due to a single asteroid impact.

“You did good.” Boaz clasped him on the shoulder. “I’ve never seen her this happy, and I took her to her first Dragon Con when she was eight.”

Wreathed in a proud smile, Mom never left Hadley’s side as they navigated the room.

“Thanks.” Midas soaked up how the pack embraced her, and she embraced them right back. “That’s all I want. To make her happy.”

Boaz watched them for a moment longer but glanced away as if the sight of Mom and Hadley hurt him.

“I didn’t know,” he said quietly. “How did I not see it?”

Midas had wondered the same thing, at first, but he knew his Hadley. She would protect those she loved at any cost, especially to herself. She had suffered in silence most of her life, and nothing he could say to Boaz could make him feel better or worse about the agony clawing him up inside when he looked at her.

“Don’t treat her like she’s broken.” Midas studied him. “I’m not saying turn a blind eye to her past. She’s going to want to talk to you about it someday, now that you know. She’ll also want precautions taken on Macon’s behalf. But don’t let her catch you staring at her like you are now. She’s Copyright 2016 - 2024