Proof of Life (The Potentate of Atlanta #4) - Hailey Edwards Page 0,96

might have been, doesn’t matter to me.”

That seemed to be going around a lot lately, and I couldn’t help but feel it was too good to be true.

“Thanks, Abbott.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” He laughed. “We’ll have to update your medical records. Based on what I’ve learned, that means I need blood and tissue samples.”

“What if I told you I plan on living forever?”

“I would say that’s very nice, but that living forever could still get you killed.”

An ungrateful noise clawed up my throat that I was too dignified to admit was a whine.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll submit to testing.” Finger on the red dot, I added, “Eventually.”

Needless to say, I hung up before the lecturing started and didn’t answer when he redialed.

It wasn’t a perfect solution, obviously, because I would have to go down there, as I said, eventually.

Sooner rather than later based on the discovery of the archive and its nasty warren of surprises.

“My what big teeth you have,” Midas teased. “The better to torment healers with?”

“If I don’t keep him on his toes, who will? Honestly, I’m performing a public service.”

As long as he didn’t keel over from high blood pressure, I was sure he would adapt and overcome.

“Mmm-hmm.” Midas wound one of my curls around his finger. “How kind of you.”

“I’m ready for a medal ceremony when you are,” I countered sweetly. “Um, Midas?”


“Is that your phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

Brows crashing down, he attempted a flat stare ruined by the amused spark in his eyes. “Hadley.”

“The vibrating thing is new.” I kept the smile off my face. “But I’m willing to work around it.”

Ignoring me, he checked his phone then flashed me a wide smile full of heart-stopping beauty.


“What’s up?” I scooted closer as his thumbs flew across the screen. “Can I see?”

Leaning away, he kept his head down. “No.”

“They’re only going to devolve from here,” Bishop promised the others. “We might as well go.”

“HQ at dusk?” Lisbeth rose and tugged Ford after her. “We’ll all think better after we’ve slept.”

“Yeah.” Bishop waved a hand. “We’ll sleep off today and meet up tomorrow.”

Ford draped his arm across her shoulders. “Drive you home?”

She leaned into him. “Only if you don’t mind.”

They walked out, their sides pressed together, and it made my heart swell to see them happy.

“And then there were three.” Bishop leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “This is big, kid.”

“The coven doesn’t do things by half.”

“The boss can handle it if you need him to,” he said with quiet worry, “just this once.”

“You heard Vasco.” I shook my head. “I’m uniquely suited to this mission.”

“That’s what worries me.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “He’s got an angle, but I can’t see it yet. That concerns me.” He dropped his arm. “Natisha knew you could survive the archive. How she knew it would relocate here and why she needed a spiritually bulletproof pawn worries me too.”

Fae plots were onions with layers upon layers upon layers of deceit, ambition, and malice woven in.

“You need sleep,” I told him. “We all do.”

For once, I wished I could be the friend who walked him home, but he wasn’t going home tonight.

Perhaps reading my unease, he threw effort into a smile. “Things are always clearer tomorrow.”

All jokes aside, I rubbed my damp palms down my jeans. “Do you think we have that much time?”

“We’ll take the time. Otherwise, we’ll be making their job too easy for them.”

“Linus isn’t wandering a bookstore, is he?”

“No.” He pushed off the couch and stood. “They found Liz at the auto parts store.”

“That’s good news.” I pondered his grim tone. “That means Grier can interrogate her about the archive.” I was missing something, but I couldn’t put my finger on what had gotten under his skin. Other than Vasco. “How is she?”

“She got bruised in the scuffle, but Linus and Grier were as careful as they could be, for the baby’s sake.”

That would put Ares’s mind at ease. “Where is she?”

“The infirmary, for now.” An uneasy quiet filled him. “Abbott is assessing her health and, assuming the pregnancy is verified, the baby’s as well. He mentioned bringing in a specialist to help identify its species. There’s no reason to think the baby is gwyllgi. It’s more likely Liz chose a fae or witch donor.”

The thought had occurred to me, right after I used the baby for leverage against Ares, which was a new low for me. The truth might tear open old wounds, but Copyright 2016 - 2024