Promises to Keep - By Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Page 0,55

listening. At last she said, “The spells here are old but still powerful. And very discreet, designed not to be noticed even by a witch.”

Especially a witch who normally carries a hunter’s blade, I’d bet, Jay thought, lamenting the loss of his usual weapon.

“Once we get to Midnight proper,” Brina said as she led the way up the old road, “there is another path, traveling nearly due east, that should take us into Shantel land. Then it is simply a matter of—”



Jay opened his eyes to find himself sprawled in the snow, with Brina kneeling next to him. Xeke looked concerned, but Rikai’s face simply held contempt.

Flames, like the fires of hell. Flesh scalding—

“Guard your mind,” Rikai suggested belatedly.

Jay turned his head, trying to see the mind he could feel so clearly. Brina gripped his hand, crushing his fingers, and he knew she saw it too: a semitransparent shape, almost humanoid, but—

“Ghosts, nothing more,” Rikai said. “Unless you invite them into your brain, they are harmless.”

What most people called ghosts were just impressions left behind by strong emotions. Jay had encountered them before, but never this powerfully. The pain this ghost was radiating was beyond Jay’s comprehension. It made his bones ache as he forced himself to stand and keep moving.

The farther they traveled up the road, the thicker the impressions became.

When Jay was a boy, his history lessons had included stories of Midnight. As for its fall, that had been described in simple terms: on September 22, 1804, Midnight burned to the ground. No one knew who was responsible, though everyone had celebrated the destruction, which had been so complete that the slave trainers had not been able to gather their power fast enough to re-subjugate the witches and shapeshifters before they could raise arms to defend themselves.

Those lessons were made real in the early twilight as the forest spat them onto the carcass of what had once been an empire’s terrible heart.

Nature should have taken over in the last two centuries, but it hadn’t been allowed. Magic had salted the ground in this clearing, leaving it a dead zone inhabited by nothing more than what might have once been stone—now twisted and melted as if torn from a volcano—and the ghostly impressions of those who had once lived in this place. Sheets of ice, gritty and black from ash, ringed the area, but the ruins themselves glowed hot like coals under the darkening sky.

Jay could hear the memories wail in fury, and pain, and helplessness, and—more than anything else—confusion. Why? they asked.

Rikai crept close, even though that meant crawling on the ice, until she could hold her hands above the glistening coals and say in a voice that sounded half hypnotized, “They say every major power in the world was involved in bringing Midnight down. They poured their magic into this spot. I can feel them.…”

“Jay, I do not wish to camp here for the night,” Brina said, her voice seeming oh-so-distant as Jay struggled not to hear the screams of the dead.

“Agreed,” Xeke said.

Lynx hissed, and Jay realized that he couldn’t hear his longtime companion over all the other voices pressing against him. Brina reached down and stroked Lynx between the ears, while looking up at Jay with concern.

“East, you said?” he asked her. Was he shouting?

She nodded, and caught his shoulders to physically turn him until his back was to the setting sun. They all wanted to get as far away as possible.

Almost all.


“Come here!” Rikai called, her voice breathy. “This is incredible. I think—”

Jay heard Xeke trying to reason with the Triste, but he didn’t wait for her response. He needed to get away from this place. The others would have to catch up.


THE MEMORY OF blood and fire pressed in around Brina as she ran from Midnight and every gruesome recollection the sight had brought to mind. She followed Jay, who led them at a frantic pace well past sunset, until clouds obscured any hint of stars or the nearly full moon and it was too dark to see one foot in front of the other.

Preparing food and setting up their camp in the inky black was challenging, as was trying to find enough privacy to take care of awkward human bodily functions without becoming totally lost. She was grateful that Lynx stayed near, sweetly compassionate in the way he called to her in the darkness when she strayed the wrong way.

Though they made camp late, they started early the next morning. Brina Copyright 2016 - 2024