Promised to the Swedish Prince - Sasha Cottman Page 0,10

a man who will go far in the military. I expect he will be a brigadier in a year or so.”

The King met Christian’s gaze. “From what I have heard, you too are forging your own career in the world of politics and diplomacy. I am pleased to see that you have grown into a sensible and responsible young man. A credit to your family. Have you considered how best to make further use of your talents? I am assuming you do not wish to remain as a minor player in the world.”

Over the past two years, Christian had worked hard to establish himself within the royal court. He was now seen as someone who could be relied upon. It was testament to his hard work that Charles XIII was even asking him questions regarding his future.

“I would love to serve you and our country in some larger capacity. At the moment I am still seeking the right opportunity, which is why I asked for an audience with Your Majesty,” replied Christian.

He had taken up a post within the royal court acting as a junior assistant to one of the government advisory councils. What Christian had thought might be tedious work had actually captured his imagination and filled him with a real sense of purpose. His flair and talent for influencing people had helped enable the council to secure a new trade deal with Denmark, one which would see viable economic growth for Sweden.

A slow, knowing smile crept to King Charles’s lips. He placed a hand on Christian’s shoulder and gave it a firm pat. “Ah, so may I take it that you have heard whispers of my wishes to secure a trade deal for Swedish metals and fishing rights with the English?”

Christian’s heart leapt at the King’s words. He took a slow deep breath in, trying to dampen his excitement. Diplomats were meant to be stoic, not giddy children.

Christian cleared his throat. “Yes, I have heard those whispers. And that is why I am putting myself forward to go to England and assist in whatever capacity I can to help with negotiations and anything beyond. London is an important global center. It is somewhere that Sweden needs to have strong representation to ensure that our interests are best served both now and into the future.”

The King’s face lit up. “An excellent and well-considered response, Prince Christian. You will be pleased to know that I share your thoughts about your ability to help further my interests. What you might not have heard is that the Russians have also decided that they want a trade agreement. Tsar Alexander is sending a trade delegation to England. Time is now of the essence. I need you to go to London and work alongside my envoy, Baron von Rehausen, and the attaché, Count Jansson. Between the three of you, I expect a favorable agreement to be secured. But just remember, if you don’t get it signed before the Russians arrive, you are likely to be left scrambling for the scraps.”

Christian’s mind began to race. He had been hoping to go to England and learn the ropes; now it appeared he was going to have to do that at a fast clip as well as help land a trade agreement. London was a huge career opportunity. It was also the chance for him to see Erika once more.

His heart swelled with pride at being given such an honor, at being able to represent both his king and his country. He would go to England, work alongside his fellow Swedes and make a success of himself.

And perhaps win Erika’s heart.

Excitement bubbled in his stomach.

“How long will I be in England?” he asked.

“Baron von Rehausen has written and asked that I find a suitable replacement for him. He has a large family and wants to return to Stockholm once the new envoy has got settled in well enough. Count Jansson is in England under his own terms, but I expect he and his daughter will return to Sweden in the next couple of years. The role of understudy to the envoy and his attaché will present you with an opportunity to learn. And if a young man such as yourself is determined to make his mark, then you could be there for some time. Perhaps even years.”

The envoy’s role. If I play this right and learn all that I can, I could be Sweden’s representative at the English court. And with a smart and beautiful woman by Copyright 2016 - 2024