The Promise of Us (Sanctuary Sound #2) - Jamie Beck Page 0,90

days after her surgeries, when her more severe limp had made her feel like Frankenstein. When her angry scars had looked like lumpy lava on her skin. Even now, Rosie reminded everyone in the room of the incident and the damage it had wrought. Empathy caused Claire’s nose to tingle, but she kept her tears at bay.

Logan seemed to be searching the room for his sister, his sober expression suggesting his sympathy for her.

“If you’ll excuse me, I should find my parents and say hello,” Claire said, giving herself a temporary escape from the awkward moment.

“I’ll join you.” Logan clasped her hand, preventing her getaway, and led her to where her parents were speaking with Steffi’s father.

Claire’s mom saw them approach, at which point her gaze went straight to Claire’s cleavage. Her jaw fell open until she clamped it shut and forced a polite smile. “You bought a new dress?”

Before Claire could answer, her dad wrapped her in a hug. “Claire Bear, look at you. What a beauty!”

“Isn’t she?” Logan’s hand brushed along her bare back, sending pleasant tingles careening down her spine.

Her mom cleared her throat, failing to erase the apprehension in her eyes when she said, “Logan, you look dashing in that jacket.” She brushed her palm across its lapel. “Quite a pair tonight.”

“I have the prettiest date in the room, present company excluded.” Logan gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and then shook hands with her dad and Mr. Lockwood, but Claire noted a slight tic in his jaw. “Thanks for coming out to support the library’s literacy program.”

“We look forward to this event all year. So many friends gathered in one place, and so many auction items.” Claire’s mother gave her dad a pointed look. “There’s a beautiful freshwater-pearl necklace that would make a lovely thirty-fifth anniversary gift.”

“Thirty-five years. Congratulations.” Logan’s smile seemed almost impish then. “I’ll be sure not to bid up that necklace. However, perhaps you’d have more fun celebrating if you bid on the one-week VRBO in La Jolla.”

“Oh no. That’s not for us!” Her father laughed.

Mr. Lockwood nodded thoughtfully from the outskirts of the conversation. He’d never been a talker.

Determined not to let Logan pressure her parents, Claire changed the subject. “Mom, have you seen Steffi?”

Her mother’s expression faltered again as her eyes darted from Claire to Logan and back. “Yes, she’s right over there with Ryan, Ben . . . and Peyton.”

Claire turned to spy Steffi and Ryan arm in arm. Ben fiddled with his tie, looking as uncomfortable as Claire felt, while Peyton had tucked herself into a corner of the room, self-consciously playing with her earring, keeping her hand near her face as if it were a shield.

Normally, Peyton would stake out the center of the room, commanding everyone’s attention in a daring outfit, with her long golden hair swirling around her shoulders and breasts like a come-on.

Tonight, her demure midnight-blue gown helped her hide in the shadows. Although still beautiful in an ethereal way, none of the sparkle that usually lit Peyton’s face or eyes shone tonight. That wig, a gorgeous one—the blonde color looked familiar.

Claire paused, taking another look while asking Logan, “Is that your hair?”

“Mm-hmm.” His lips curled into a bittersweet smile.

A wave of questions and emotions made her hot. Before Claire could form words, Peyton glanced over her shoulder at them. She froze for a microsecond, then waved.

Logan dipped his head to whisper in Claire’s ear. “Can we go say hello?”

“Of course,” Claire said, willing her tense legs to move. Despite the level floor, her gait seemed more uneven than usual, her legs heavy, as if climbing stairs. Claire dragged her gaze from Peyton to Ben, while Logan greeted his sister.

Ben smiled at Claire before casting a meaningful look—almost a warning—at Logan.

“Gorgeous dress, Claire. Is it new?” Steffi planted a friendly kiss on her cheek. “What a great color on you.”

“You look very pretty,” Peyton added quietly.

“Thanks,” Claire replied, suppressing the urge to touch the wig made of Logan’s silky hair. “So do both of you.”

If her words came out stilted, it was because her throat was dry, not because she’d been lying. Not that Peyton knew that.

“I’m sorry to lose my regular dinner date,” Ben chimed in, leaning forward to kiss her hello.

“Don’t worry. You’ll have me back soon enough,” she muttered, low enough that only he could hear.

He clenched his jaw and turned to Logan. “I hear you’ve been helping Claire and my sister with their website. A lucky break for Copyright 2016 - 2024