The Promise of Us (Sanctuary Sound #2) - Jamie Beck Page 0,69

“Where were you yesterday and last night?”

He buried his head in his hands. “First Dad, now you?”

“When you left yesterday, you said you were meeting Claire, but then you never returned.” She folded her hands in her lap, avoiding eye contact.


She looked at him. “Tell me you didn’t do anything stupid.”

“That depends on your definition of stupid.”

“Oh God.” She covered her face with her hands. “You seduced her.”

He kept quiet. Seduction sounded more calculating than what had happened. He hadn’t set off and planned that whole trip for the sole purpose of getting her into bed. On the other hand, he had thought about having sex with Claire more than once throughout the past couple of weeks.

He shrugged. “It’s none of your business, Peyton.”

“I asked you not to do that. The last thing Claire needs is to be hurt by another man—or another Prescott.”

He jabbed a finger toward her. “Back off, sis. She and I are two consenting adults.”

Peyton closed her eyes as if praying for patience. “So now what?”

“What’s it to you?” He leaned back into his pillows, hands clasped behind his head.

She slapped his leg. “Dammit, Logan. Did you use her to amuse yourself last night?”

“No. In fact, she pushed me out the door this morning.”

Peyton’s eyes went wide. “I find that hard to believe. She’s been half in love with you since her family moved onto the street.”

“Well, that was before Todd.” He shot her a pointed look, then regretted it when she winced at his accusatory tone.

“She’s still in love with Todd?”

“No. But he destroyed her self-esteem, and now, because I won’t make false promises, she’s got her guard up.” He was pouting. Pouting never looked good on anyone, but he couldn’t help it. Disappointment had him in a tight grip. “I get that she got hurt, but people date and break up all the time. Ryan and Steffi are the exception, not the rule. Just because a relationship doesn’t lead to a diamond ring doesn’t make it a mistake. But even if she were willing to roll the dice, my loyalty to you is also a problem. Apparently, she can do the forgive part, but not the forget.”

“You’re upset.” Peyton stared at him with open interest. “Do you really like her?”

“Why are you still so surprised? She’d been one of your closest friends for years. Surely you’re aware of all of her good qualities.”

“Claire’s a great person, but you’ve never really liked anyone, and her needs and yours are miles apart.” She stretched her arms out to emphasize the point.

He shrugged that off. Yes, they were different people, but emotions didn’t run out of gas. They traveled far and wide, crossing all kinds of barriers. “We all have the same needs when it comes to relationships. Claire doesn’t care about my money or how I can help her. She sees me for who I am. She makes me believe that maybe I actually do have something more to offer than my last name.”

His sister closed her eyes for the second time, this time for even longer. “You want a life of adventure and a way to leave a mark. She wants to nest here in town and head up her daughter’s Brownie troop one day. These two things don’t exactly fit together.”

“Are all women always thinking about marriage? Can’t we hang out and see where it leads? Regardless, I think you don’t know her as well as you think you do. I think she’s yearning for more, but fear”—he thought of how she’d meticulously curated it in that damn scrapbook, and about her parents’ suffocating concern—“has sent her down a years-long detour. The real Claire had goals of competing all over the globe. She never planned to live her whole life in this little corner of the world, and dammit, that Claire is not dead.”

She seemed to weigh that possibility before tipping her head to the side. “And if you’re wrong? You’ve mentioned all these things Claire gives you, but what do you really give her, Logan?”

What indeed. “Apparently she must agree with you, because it’s done. So, if that’s all, spare me the lecture and let me get some sleep.”

“Fine.” She rose. “When you wake up, let’s take some pictures. I’m feeling stronger today, and I want to capture that.”

He managed a smile at that news. “I’m glad you’re having a good day. Sorry if I spoiled it.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll find a way to make you pay,” she teased, but he had a feeling Copyright 2016 - 2024