The Promise of Paradise - By Allie Boniface Page 0,69

be fine. Doc said.”

Irene West drew a deep breath. Tears traced a familiar path down both cheeks. Behind her, Eddie’s father stood with his back to the room, looking out onto an evening that had finally cleared.

“Goddamn fool.” The man spoke to the window, but Eddie heard his anger, loud and clear. “Didn’t learn a damn thing from your brother’s death, huh? Thought maybe you’d be better off in the ground beside him?”

“Dad, I—” What was he supposed to say? He hadn’t gone out looking for the accident to happen. He hadn’t planned it, for Christ’s sake. Eddie looked at his mother, who continued to weep, and wondered if the tears were for him or for Cal.

Ash had never known him. Eddie was startled to feel relief rather than regret. She'd never cried for him. Never compared Eddie to Cal. And she was the one person in Paradise who didn’t see the kid brother he'd killed every time she looked at him.

It was, he realized suddenly, one more reason he’d fallen for her.

“I’m not him. I’m not Cal.” He paused. “And I’m not dead.”

His father turned. For a long moment, he stared at his son. “Your friend’s here.”

Eddie frowned. “Frank?”

“The woman. The one you kept asking for. Ashton.”

The name struck Eddie square in the heart. “I asked for her?” Impossible. He would have remembered. He would have felt her name on his tongue.

His mother managed a weak smile. “A couple of times. The nurse on duty knew who she was. Told us to call the restaurant.”

“And she came?” Even after I acted like a jerk, ran away like I was twelve years old?

His father nodded. “She’s been here a while.”

Irene turned. “But she’s…” She pressed her lips together and shook her head at her husband.

“What?” Eddie caught the look that passed between them.

Suddenly he knew. The machine monitoring his blood pressure beeped a couple of times. Colin. She’s here with Colin. Of course. Again he saw the guy down on one knee. Eddie coughed. Well, it made sense that he’d come to the hospital with Ash. He probably gave her a ride, held her hand in consolation while she did her duty and checked on her neighbor.

“Do you want me to see if she’s still downstairs?” Eddie’s father moved toward the door. “I’m sure she’d like to see you.”

Eddie yanked up the thin blanket that had bunched around his knees. All he really wanted to do now was sleep. He felt like an idiot, calling out some woman’s name while he was delirious with pain. Especially when the woman in question had shown up at the hospital with another guy.

“Nah. Don’t bother. You can tell her thanks, but she can go on home.” It was better that way. Better for both of them, if they never saw each other again.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“He’s upstairs. Room 214.”

Ash stood in the waiting room, where Malcolm West had found her pacing and biting her bottom lip. “He’s okay?”

“He will be.” The man smiled for the first time since she’d arrived at the hospital. “He’s pretty banged up. Suffered a concussion, a broken ankle, and a dislocated collarbone. Lost a lotta skin, too, but the doc says he’ll be fine. He's very lucky.”

Ash wiped her hands on her shorts. Looking down, she realized she still wore her work clothes and still had her hair up in an unwashed ponytail.

“…said he didn’t want to see you,” Eddie’s father finished saying.

“He…what?” Eddie didn’t want to see her? But he’d asked for her. He’d wanted her to come to the hospital. Hadn’t he?

“But I think that’s the drugs talking.” Malcolm led Ash toward the elevators. “I know my son.” His voice turned gruff. “Maybe not as well as I oughta. But I know you mean something to him.” The elevator doors slid open, and they stepped inside. “I knew from the look on his face when his mother told him you were down here with someone else.”

“You…” You weren’t supposed to see that, she finished silently.

He cocked his head and looked at her for a moment. “You’re the senator’s daughter, aren’t you?”

She nodded. No reason to hide anymore.

“He’s a good man, got caught in a bad spot,” Malcolm said. “You can tell ‘im I said that. Hope he doesn’t let it keep him down.”

Ash smiled at the kindness in the man’s words. “I don’t think he will. We Kirks are pretty tough when we need to be.” The elevator doors creaked open, and she could see room 214 to Copyright 2016 - 2024