The Problem with Seduction - By Emma Locke Page 0,91

perhaps remembering their mismatched fortunes, then looked at Elizabeth again. “But I don’t suppose money is an issue for you.”

Elizabeth smirked. She refused to let him know how deeply his dismissal of her cut. “I may not have had the best choice in men, but I’m more than average when it comes to turning a profit, my lord. You could say one has necessitated the other.”

Con chose that moment to enter the room. “I think I should be offended.”

Had he heard everything, or only just the last? Elizabeth’s face heated. And she never blushed.

“My lord,” Celeste said, “I don’t think we’ve formally met. I’m Celeste, Lady Trestin.”

He inclined his head, then took her hand and bowed over it. “Lord Constantine Alexander, at your service. I believe you’re great friends with my brother Montborne.”

Angry color heightened Celeste’s pale cheeks. Montborne had vehemently objected to Celeste’s pursuit of Lord Trestin and ultimately caused the demise of his friendship with her. To Elizabeth’s knowledge, there had been no apology made in the months since. Didn’t Con remember her telling him of their fallout?

Celeste returned to her seat on the couch. When she looked up again, her color had abated. “How is Roman? We don’t see him in Devon, and I fear we missed him in Town.”

Ever the consummate actress. But her pretending was lost on Con. He was evaluating the seating arrangement carefully. It was all very proper, with chairs and couches set apart so that no guest must be made to sit too close to another. Without a word, he dragged a second small Louis XVII chair from its position on the outskirts to within a few inches of Elizabeth’s.

Heat crept across her cheeks again. She glanced at her friends. Their wide-eyed expressions of incredulity wiped her blush away. Her face seemed to drain of blood, in fact, and her ears rang until she could barely hear what was happening around her.

She didn’t need them to say it aloud, for their expressions said it all.

It was possible.

He might be made to marry her.

“My brother?” Con eased into the narrow chair, evidently oblivious to the exchange taking place before him. “The last time I saw him, he was lecturing me on one thing or another. I wasn’t able to get a word in edgewise to ask him how he fares. But before that, he was blue-deviled most of the summer. So, there’s that.”

Trestin’s eyes narrowed. “Lecturing? Why?”

He was faster to ask that than Elizabeth was to inquire as to why Roman was blue-deviled. His was the better question, however. Roman hadn’t been the lecturing type until Celeste had set her sights on Trestin. Why was he hectoring Con now?

She blanched again. It was obvious. Because of her.

She blinked and looked at Celeste, this time frantically. If Roman had it in his head that she was trying to sink her claws into Con and not merely entertaining a dalliance, there was no telling how much of an obstacle he might become.

Con crossed his long legs at the ankles. “Because I’m not the best choice in men, nor average when it comes to turning a profit. Montborne feels I have room to grow.”

Her hopes were dashed. Montborne must know about their bargain. He’d been very, very close to heading off Celeste and Trestin’s marriage. What sort of threat did he pose to Elizabeth’s happiness?

“I’ve never been one for prolonging awkwardness,” Trestin said, “so I’ll have out with it. Lady Trestin and I are aware of your contract with Lady Elizabeth.” He paused when Con sat up straighter and simultaneously shot Elizabeth a look of horror. “I can’t say it’s my preference, but I was willing to do the same for her for much less in return. I can’t fault you.” He didn’t pause when Con obviously wanted to ask what he meant by that. “Now, while I had thought Montborne recovered from his sudden onset of scruples, if he’s hunting you down to give you a tongue-lashing, then I suspect he’s still suffering his pangs of conscience. Which brings me to my next question. What do you intend to do about it?”

Con opened his mouth. Then he clamped his jaw closed and settled back into his chair, all while giving Trestin a look that would have struck down a lesser man.

Trestin rose and moved to the sideboard. He returned with a decanter and two snifters. “Brandy has always been my preferred method of dealing with Montborne.” He handed a snifter to Lord Constantine, then filled Copyright 2016 - 2024