The Problem with Seduction - By Emma Locke Page 0,78

the coveted patronage of the Earl of Wyndham. Her own father.

Shame filled her. This was the life she’d made for herself. Lord Constantine believed her to be a conniving whore, even if he was defending her now. Her own father was willing to put her and his grandson out on the street. Her mother would be humiliated to share a roof with her in public.

If she’d been alone, she might have shed tears for the many ways her life had not turned out the way she’d dreamed. The costly jewels, and men, and vaults bloated with money, every whim she’d ever had acted on, had all brought her to this.

But she wasn’t alone. Instead of sad, she was furious. The opportunity to turn her fury on the man who’d always made her feel inferior was too great a temptation to resist. “If it’s so offensive to share a roof with me, then you go. I’ll gladly pay your room and board, and the thirty quid you’re about to drop on whisky and pickled eggs. It’s no hardship for me.”

His already ruddy cheeks flamed bright red. “Don’t you dare insult me with your whore’s salary. And you!” He turned his wrath on Lord Constantine. “I warned you to stay out of this. I don’t know what kind of pathetic, impecunious wastrel is willing to perjure himself for a prostitute,” spittle flicked from his lips as he laid each charge bare, “but mark my words, you will not get away with it.”

Con glared down his long, patrician nose at her father. His hand flexed, and for a heartbeat, she thought he might plant Wyndham a facer. Then he shook his head sadly. “What I would do for my son is a thousand times the level of humanity you’ve shown your daughter. I’ll thank you to stay out of my affairs.”

The innkeeper’s head swiveled toward her father, as if to witness his reaction to this scathing setdown.

“I hope you’re ready to give that pretty speech to a jury of your peers.” Lord Wyndham leaned toward Con, one arm bent at the elbow. “I don’t think they’ll be as forgiving as Captain Finn has been.”

Elizabeth inhaled sharply. Wordlessly, she and Con locked gazes. To her surprise, he didn’t look angry, or even scared. He looked resolved. “I’ve done no wrong.”

Wyndham let out an exasperated sigh. Then he turned on his heel. “Clean out my rooms,” he called over his shoulder. “Lady Wyndham and I are no longer comfortable here. As for the both of you,” he paused in the doorway of the common room to ensure they heard his parting words clearly, “I wouldn’t recommend getting too comfortable with that boy.”

Chapter Fifteen

THE INNKEEPER SCURRIED OFF to see to her father’s orders.

“Elizabeth?” she heard Lord Constantine ask when they were alone. His gentle voice filtered through the numbness. Her own father was going to make sure Nicholas won. His promise almost certainly guaranteed she’d already lost her son, for she had no defense in a court of law without Lord Constantine’s testimony.

Con was barely willing to lie to his family. He’d never extend his lie all the way to the bar. She couldn’t even ask him to.

Fear plunged straight into her heart. This was it, then. A few more months and she’d be completely bereft.

“What are you going to do?” Con asked gently.

“What can I do?”

He reached out and traced the line of her jaw. “You could run.”

She shivered and turned away.

Fabric rustled as he moved toward her again. He stopped far enough away that he didn’t suffocate her with his nearness, yet his presence made her feel supported. “Didn’t I interrupt you doing just that?” he teased.

He wanted her to smile, but she couldn’t. Lightheartedness simply wasn’t in her. “If I am always looking over my shoulder, terrified Finn will pop out from behind every bush, what kind of life is that for Oliver?” Her body quaked with a shuddering sigh. “There is no hope at all, is there?”

With one step, Con moved to her elbow. “But you can’t lose Oliver to him!”

“No I…I can’t.” Her voice grew stronger. “I can’t let him take him. I won’t sit back quietly. I just haven’t thought how to fight him. I have no rights. None. It will be my word against his. My word is worth nothing.”

“Our word.”

She looked at Con. His blue eyes watched her so fervently, she felt a tug of longing. She yearned for the man who’d come to understand her so well, Copyright 2016 - 2024