The Problem with Seduction - By Emma Locke Page 0,68

the gleam in his eye, Darius wasn’t the least deterred. Resentment built in Con’s chest. Resentment, and a need to regain control of his life. His friends and acquaintances were betting on him, were they? They were laughing at him.

Chapter Twelve

CONSTANTINE LEFT HIS BROTHERS to rot in the library and returned to his mother’s sitting room. He would have left Merritt House altogether, save Elizabeth. She hadn’t returned yet from her shopping sojourn. He almost wished he hadn’t sent her away.

After what seemed like hours of watching his mother amuse Oliver, broken only by Mrs. Dalton whisking him away once or twice to be freshened up and fed, a maid came to the sitting room door. Mrs. Dalton rose and exchanged a few words with her before returning to confer with his mother.

Mother’s lips turned down. She nodded and hugged Oliver closer. “Lady Elizabeth is here,” she explained to Con.

“Goo!” Oliver said with delight, and smacked a hand against her décolletage.

Con went over and set his hand on her small shoulder. “It’s been an entertaining afternoon, but all things must come to an end.” He caught Mrs. Dalton’s eye. “Please bring Oliver down to the servants’ hall once his things have been gathered up.” Never had Con seen a bag of wonders like the one Mrs. Dalton had at her feet. He could almost swear it was a bottomless compilation of baby necessities.

“The servants’ hall?” Mother turned and gave Con a searing look of reproof.

He sighed. “It’s better for everyone if she isn’t seen here.”

“You don’t want her seen here because then you must own she is a lady,” his mother shot back with a look of reproof. She gave Oliver a last hug, then turned him over to Mrs. Dalton.

Con’s face heated. “That really isn’t up for debate, Mother.” With that, he spun on his heel and went down to the servants’ hall. Immediately he realized his mistake. While inviting Elizabeth to walk through the front door would have given the impression that his family was receiving a courtesan as a proper guest, bringing Elizabeth through the service door meant Con must walk through the kitchens to get to her.

He did his best to appear nonchalant about his excursion through the underpinnings of the house, but it was a very long time before he finally arrived at the housekeeper’s sitting room, where a lesser guest would be shown.

It stood empty.

He turned to see Mr. Benjamin looming in the hallway behind him. As if Con were a questionable fellow who might be trying to steal the silver.

“Where is…” Con knew he should say it. He couldn’t. Was his mother right? Was it because if he did, he must then admit she was a lady?

Mr. Benjamin crossed his hands behind him. “She would not come inside.”

Now Con knew why Mother had been so shocked by his leaving her on the step. He’d done it, but hearing that the butler had done it left him incensed. “I see. Very well. Have my coat sent to the back door, then, and make sure Mrs. Dalton is informed that we’re outside.”

The back door. She was practically in the mews. He couldn’t remember ever treating a guest this shoddily in his life. And yet, wasn’t her standing anywhere on the property more than could be expected? A man’s mistress was never received at his house.

His mother’s house.

Con wound through the narrow corridors dividing the servants’ areas and exited through the back door to the mews. There she stood. In the dank passageway between the houses, alone. She held no wrapped parcels and there was no sign of the footman he’d sent to watch over her.

She didn’t appear distressed in the least. A smile played on her lips, in fact, as though she knew he’d had to search to find her. The minx. As if he were destined to walk the earth looking for her, because it amused her to keep him on his toes.

“I hope I used the right door,” she said with a coquettish flick of her gaze toward the roughened wood door barely suitable for servants, let alone a…


“Though I wasn’t expecting you to come out of it.”

He quelled the effect of her smile on his stomach. “I don’t like you being out here.”

Her eyes widened almost imperceptibly. “You were very clear on the matter when we arrived, my lord.”

He couldn’t tell if she was still bamming him or if he’d actually confused her. Blast. If he hadn’t set out to give her Copyright 2016 - 2024