The Problem with Seduction - By Emma Locke Page 0,37

he was a starchy sort of gentleman, but his light, almost golden eyes looked on her with a soft sort of fondness. He’d been protective of her when she’d last seen him in Devon, after Nicholas had taken her baby and she’d fled London. Trestin had cared for her as gently as if she were one of his younger sisters, and she’d always be indebted to him for it.

Celeste tugged Elizabeth to the sofa and pulled her down to sit. Then she folded her hands in her lap regarded Elizabeth with unabashed interest. “You were successful? Captain Finn has restored Oliver to you?”

Elizabeth almost cackled with delight to be able to say, “Yes! The plan worked marvelously. Finn turned him over with hardly a peep of protest.” She didn’t add that Nicholas had then gone on to realize he’d been duped and was now stalking her, or that her father was issuing threats of a civil suit. She’d almost lost her friendship with Celeste over her desperation to have Oliver back in her arms. She deserved a moment of vindication.

“I’m so glad, dearest,” Celeste said at last. “Will you be returning to Brixcombe, then?”

Elizabeth should have expected the question. Instead, she hadn’t considered doing so even for a moment, and so had no polite refusal prepared. “My home is in London.” She waved one hand as if to indicate the city looming beyond the four walls of the drawing room. “I shouldn’t mind coming to visit you, when Oliver is older.”

Celeste’s brows drew together. She seemed to be considering her words carefully. “I’d hoped you’d come back with us.”

She would have wanted that. She’d never trusted Elizabeth to be a good mother. But surely she must realize by now that Elizabeth was both capable of caring for her own child and absolutely determined to do so. “I’m set up very well here, though I do thank you for thinking of us,” Elizabeth replied sweetly. Then she added, “I think even you would approve of Oliver’s arrangements.”

Celeste winced, as if she highly doubted that would be the case. Then she smiled demurely. “Of course.”

Elizabeth wasn’t fooled. Celeste was regrouping. If anyone else were gifting Elizabeth a beatific smile while simultaneously thinking up the best way to undermine her argument, she would have cut them to the quick. Since it was Celeste, she feigned nonchalance by gifting Lord Trestin a bright smile and patting at the arrangement of her skirts.

Celeste had a tendency to act like Elizabeth’s older sister, rather than her friend. It was sweet, in an exasperating sort of way.

“It would seem,” Celeste said, her soft smile faltering, “that you’ve benefitted from your own resilience once again.” Before Elizabeth could do more than raise her eyebrow at this left-handed compliment, her friend continued, “We caught wind of the scandal all the way in Devon. I suppose that’s not surprising, given Lord Constantine’s family seat is there.”

Elizabeth wasn’t sure if that was meant to be a question or another jab. “I intended for it to catch fire.” She chose her next words carefully, because a fight with Celeste wasn’t at all what she wanted. She wanted Celeste to see that she’d matured. She had it all in hand, and she didn’t need any nursemaid save Mrs. Dalton. “Lord Constantine and I worked through the details together, though I think he deserves much of the credit. He can be very convincing when he chooses to be. ” Her face warmed as she recalled just how convincing he’d been today. Even she could almost believe they’d once been lovers.

Oh, but Celeste mustn’t see her blush. Quickly, Elizabeth added, “I ought to have known a brother of Roman’s would prove himself an outrageous actor,” for bringing up the subject of Roman was sure to distract Celeste from her interest in Elizabeth.

“I would have done it for you,” Trestin said so firmly, both women’s attention instantly went to him. He still stood rigidly just inside the doorway. A muscle twitched at his jaw. “There was no need to involve anyone else.”

Of course, Elizabeth could never have become so detached from her morals that she’d convince all of London that her best friend’s paramour had sired her bastard. There was no question of his involvement, once she’d realized Celeste was in love with him. “Lord Constantine isn’t odious, my lord. I find him very pleasant.”

A slight frown marred Celeste’s pale brow. “I’m very happy for you to have Oliver back, dearest. I simply worry that you’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024