The Problem with Seduction - By Emma Locke Page 0,129

hand from her husband’s and took a step toward Elizabeth. “I simply cannot be the one keeping your child from you. I’d feel selfish having him with me if Finn isn’t even here. He’s your son, though I love him very much.”

Elizabeth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’d allow me to have him for a time?” Even a few months…a year…she’d accept any length. It was more than she’d ever hoped to have again.

Nicholas’s answering scowl left no question whose doing this was. “It began that way. Then I could see I was far outgunned. I ought to have left him with a mistress, as I did before, rather than my wife—”

“Mr. Finn!” his wife hissed sharply.

Was there more? Elizabeth held her breath. She was coming to realize how much she’d underestimated the slight woman who’d always seemed her nemesis.

“Yes, woman, I know,” he said, batting her hand from his arm. “No doxies.” He faced Elizabeth and held his arms akimbo. “Beth, see for yourself: I’m a changed man. One woman from now on. I suppose that must be my wife, but God knows I can’t live with her harping. You must take Oliver or I shall never have any peace.”

“But you were so adamant,” Elizabeth said on a breath. His about-face left her disembodied. It was too much to hope she was hearing him correctly. Was this the same man who’d fought with her, pursued her, and had her husband imprisoned?

Nicholas sighed deeply. “If I were you, I wouldn’t ask too many questions. This isn’t because I want to. She has convinced me it is the thing I must do.”

Elizabeth’s faith threatened to take flight. She was still too afraid to believe this was happening. What if he had another change of heart when he returned? In two years? Or five?

“I’ll have a contract drawn up,” he said, correctly interpreting her skepticism. “She says you can be left with no cause for worry, as it isn’t healthy for my boy to have a mother who always frets.”

Elizabeth’s lips formed a small O. No sound escaped her, though she wanted to sob and laugh at the same time. She reevaluated the woman she’d never expected to have as her ally. Mrs. Finn smiled at her kindly and nodded her head slowly. She must be the best woman in the world to have sided with her husband’s former mistress.

Elizabeth battled an overpowering need to embrace her. If she were given the smallest indication her thanks would be welcomed, she would. But Mrs. Finn seemed to hold herself away, and the time to do so passed. Nevertheless, Elizabeth hoped she knew how deeply her selflessness was appreciated.

Nicholas clasped his wife’s hand again. “That’s my son, make no mistake. I don’t want you to think I’m reneging. But this is best for everyone involved.” He grimaced. “To say I hadn’t counted on how many people would be affected, whether the boy’s raised in my home or yours, is a great understatement. Your father was so bullheaded about it, for example, I almost gave up. He was exhausting in his insistence that I not. The whole deal with Lord Constantine…well, I almost couldn’t look at him. Then Lady Montborne paid me a visit—” he grimaced again, “and chewed my ear off on the subject—”

Elizabeth’s lips parted in surprise. “When?”

Mrs. Finn’s soft voice held a hint of amusement. “Yesterday.”

Nicholas shook his head woefully. “This whole ordeal has been awful. For everyone. I love my son. The truth is, I’d never allow him to be raised under…” he glanced askance at his wife, “under the conditions in which he was conceived. Now, with Lord Constantine to watch over him—and you,” he added pointedly, “for I feel you’re not the same, either, I can have no objection on that front. I’ve never encountered a more devoted man, even if his involvement has never made sense from the first.” He sighed. “If only it were simple.”

She clutched the banister. He sounded earnest. This was real. It was truly happening. Please, don’t let it be a dream. “When will I see him?”

Now, she pleaded silently. She surely couldn’t countenance waiting even one more day.

Mrs. Finn’s soft smile widened. “He’s in the carriage. With his nurse. We really didn’t think you’d object.”

Object? Elizabeth hurled herself through the foyer and out of the front door. A carriage waited on the street, its horses stamping impatiently. The steps were still set down. Elizabeth raced to the vehicle and grasped the handle. Copyright 2016 - 2024