A Private Affair - A.C. Arthur Page 0,5

with a lot of men on a daily basis. There was nothing about Chaz Warren that made him any different from the others. Except maybe the fact that his family was her family’s longest and most detested rival. Still, that never stopped her from reacting to his presence, no matter how hard she tried not to. Even now, the heat that always suffused every part of her when he was around was creeping to the surface. She felt it in her cheeks, in the way her breasts grew fuller and her center began that slow, needy pulsating.

“Not until I’m satisfied you’re not going to jump over the railing because you don’t like your family checking up on your work,” he replied.

“What? Oh, so you were eavesdropping,” she said and frowned.

“You weren’t exactly whispering.”

“It was nothing. And as I stated before, I’m fine,” she said evenly.

Riley took another step back, but not in retreat. She told herself it was self-preservation, something she was very good at.

“Are you afraid of me, Riley?”

Her response was an immediate chuckle. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she replied and attempted to walk around him.

He blocked her path. He didn’t touch her but stood directly in front of her. His gaze was dark and intense, deep brown eyes and thick neat brows staring down at her. Riley didn’t look away.

“You’ve no place to run this time,” he said, his voice going lower. Sexier.

She remained unfazed, at least on the outside. “I don’t run from anything,” she told him. “And I’m not easily intimidated.”

He tilted his head curiously and arched a brow. “Good. Now we can finally get this out of the way.”

He took another step and leaned in before pausing to look down at her hands. Riley had not moved a muscle. She held eye contact with him. A part of her wanted to take another step around him, while another part—the stubborn and inquisitive part—stood still and waited. For what, she wasn’t quite sure. All she knew for certain was that she wanted to know what he was going to do next—almost as much as she wanted Perry Reddleston to come work for RGF.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

“I didn’t say anything,” she replied.

“Exactly,” he said. “You didn’t tell me to get the hell away from you, nor did you mention calling security. So I’m asking, is your silence a yes?”

Riley licked her now-dry lips. “My silence? What exactly should I respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to?”

He didn’t actually need to say it. Riley knew what he was asking. She recalled having a similar conversation with him six months ago.

“This isn’t new, Riley. It’s been brewing between us for years. How long do you plan to keep brushing it off?”

Was that what she’d been doing? Her previous answer to Chaz had been an unequivocal “no.” There was nothing between them and to solidify that fact she’d made a point to stay away from him. Which was probably the reason he presumed she’d been running. But tonight, as he’d just stated, she was standing still...and very close to him.

“One night, Riley,” he said, his voice going lower.

His face was just inches from hers as he stood in what should have been an uncomfortable stance. But he wasn’t trying to move. He just stayed there waiting...for her.

“Give this thing between us one night,” he continued.

“There is no ‘thing’ between us,” she whispered.

He eased closer, brushing his lips lightly against hers before pulling back. “Are you sure?”


Chaz stood up straight.

“You’re sure there’s no ‘thing’ between us? Or you’re sure you won’t give us one night?”

“I’m sure you’re trying to push my buttons and I’m not in the mood,” she replied.

“And yet, you’re still standing right here.”

“You’re in my way,” she countered.

Chaz stepped to the side.

“Now I’m not,” he said. “And you’re still here contemplating whether or not you’re up for one night with me. You won’t do it. You’ll continue to run because that’s what suits you.”

No. He did not just make this a dare. But as Riley continued to stare at him, she knew that was exactly what he was doing. Her brothers had done this to her so many times while they were growing up and Riley had never backed down.

But Chaz Warren was not her brother. He was a very attractive man who made her body respond every time she saw him, regardless of what her brain warned. He was the man who had just teased the hell out of her with that chaste kiss. Riley wanted more. She

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