Princess in the Iron Mask - By Victoria Parker Page 0,64

he had acted quicker, stopped the blood somehow, run faster for help? But he’d been afraid—yes, afraid—a destructive emotion that made you sloppy, careless, because love was so powerful it took away everything.

If he failed to protect her... Dios, just the thought made his blood run black. She was too precious.

Head high, the fawn cashmere blanket wrapped around her decadent curves, she walked towards him. Lucas stiffened, balling his fists to stop himself from reaching, from taking her one last time. To pacify the craving. Numb the pain. Because he refused to use her heavenly body in such a way.

Her step faltered and she sank her teeth into her lip. ‘Did you hear me, Lucas?’

Like a potent aphrodisiac, her scent, their scent, curled up his nose, blurring thought.

‘Ah, of course.’ He’d almost forgotten. About her duty. His mission. That in itself should have told him something. ‘Tell me your condition, Princesa.’


‘PROMISE ME YOU will let go of the past.’

A cacophony of voices floated through the open window. Bristles stroked her scalp and diamond pins slid through lofty curls, yet through it all Claudia stared unseeingly into the gilt-edged dressing table mirror before her. Remembering the dark haunted look on Lucas’s face as nine simple words tossed him further into purgatory.

So strong was his need to do his duty and get her to the palace, he’d given her his oath to try, however much it pained him. For, truly, what was the point of hurting, of living with such pain, when the past couldn’t be changed.

‘Claudine.’ Her mother’s serene face popped into view beside her. ‘Where are you, I wonder?’

Thinking about my lover. Claudia winced inwardly as her cheeks rouged in the mirror and feathers of unease dusted her nape. ‘Oh, nowhere in particular.’

Her mother arched one perfectly plucked brow, wholly unconvinced, and Claudia almost smiled. She could read her mother now, especially when they were alone, making her realise that Queen Marysse wore a mask of her very own.

‘Pass me another pin, then, dear.’

Claudia reached for another pin, chose a pearl, and passed it over her shoulder. ‘Don’t you have staff to do this? Surely you don’t have time.’

‘Nonsense. I will make time. How many days and nights of my life have I spent wishing I could be there for you?’

Claudia closed her eyes, knowing it was time she listened to her own advice and let go of the past.

‘I didn’t know you felt that way, Mother.’

Perhaps Lucas was right. On that fateful day her mother had been unthinking, not uncaring. And maybe her parents had handled her illness the only way they knew how. By acting. Not by becoming overwrought with emotion—like her mother had during the accident. Her safety and health had been paramount to them. She’d never felt loved, but her parents must have cared. She only had to think of what Lucas had gone through and every memory seemed to fade. Diminish, somehow.

‘Let us start over—could we, Claudine?’ Her mother’s warm fingers curled over her shoulder, squeezed through her cotton wrap. ‘I am opening the new children’s wing next week and I was hoping you would come.’

Claudia looked up...saw warmth and hope in her mother’s gaze. She could do her duty while she was here, couldn’t she? There was really no need for the frisson of panic that they might expect more. ‘I’d like that.’

‘Good. I have asked Lucas to arrange the security.’

Oh, honestly, even the mention of his name gave her palpitations. ‘You saw Lucas this morning?’

‘Briefly. Your father was in talks with Philippe Carone, but Lucas seemed anxious to meet with him. Henri saw him, of course, before he flew to—’

‘Barcelona,’ Claudia murmured through the clattering in her head.

Why had Lucas gone to see her father so suddenly? And why did her stomach scream at the thought? And why was her mother watching her so closely? They’d done nothing wrong. Everyone had sex. Right?

‘Yes,’ her mother said slowly, as she slid alongside Claudia to choose another pin from the gold tray. ‘His headquarters are there.’

Some sixth sense told Claudia she should quit while she was ahead, but now she’d started talking her tongue didn’t want to stop. ‘Headquarters for what?’

Her mother’s brow creased, amber eyes snapping up to Claudia’s. ‘LGAS, of course.’

Suddenly grateful she was sitting down, Claudia’s mouth worked. ‘The LGAS? Lucas owns LGAS? How on earth did I miss that?’ She slumped back into the chair. ‘High-end security, renowned, the best in the world.’ Always protecting, she mused with a secret Copyright 2016 - 2024