Princess in the Iron Mask - By Victoria Parker Page 0,22

body, mind and soul untouched.

So when she strode out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, a towel wrapped turban-like around her head and cloaked in a huge white robe, she was armed and ready. Sort of. As long as she ignored the scent of Lucas seeping through the thick cotton, infusing her extreme nakedness with what she imagined a lover’s caress would feel like.

Bedroom empty, she took a deep breath and strode through the open doorway into a lavish Victorian-style living area—and stopped dead.

Lucas stood with his back to her, looking out of the wide expanse of windows offering a spectacular view of the fading Thames skyline. A dark blue shirt clung to his broad shoulders, stretching tight as he bent at the waist and reached down. Claudia couldn’t care less what was on the floor. Her eyes were riveted to the small of his back leading to a very tight butt. Wow. Her vision began to swim; maybe she had brain fever.

She heard him firing orders like soft bullets. Strangely subdued, she couldn’t make out the words, but the low growl of his voice made her insides quake. The base of her stomach fluttered and a honeyed whimper floated past her ears.

Brow furrowing, she wrenched her gaze towards the door, only to be faced with...a woman? A woman failing miserably at hiding her own response: cheeks overly pink, finger stroking her small cleavage as she checked out Lucas for herself.

Claudia stifled the impulse to tell the impeccably dressed blonde to get out. ‘Can I help you?’

Three things happened. Lucas whipped around. The blonde dropped a coat hanger to the floor. And Claudia fisted the lapels of her gown together at the base of her throat, suddenly wishing she’d kept her mouth shut and left the way she’d come. Given her current panda bear appearance, being faced with a sultry cat was more than she could take.

‘Ah, Claudia. Finally,’ Lucas said. ‘This is Jessica from the concession downstairs. She has clothes for you.’

Not a chance. ‘Can’t we just send my clothes to be cleaned?’

A muscle ticked along his jaw and he set stride towards her. She stiffened, bracing herself.

‘Give us five minutes,’ he said to the blonde, who nodded and then disappeared into another room.

‘Doesn’t she know where the door is?’

‘This is not the time for your awkwardness,’ he growled for her ears only, so close she shuddered.

Determined not to look at him, she kept her eyes fixed on the clothes rail. ‘How is it awkward not to want new clothes?’ God, how ungrateful she sounded. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had thought of her needs—was too used to fighting for them herself. ‘I do appreciate the gesture, Lucas, but...’ The rail sagged beneath the weight of tens of hangers adorned with a colourful array of every garment imaginable. She swallowed. Hard.

‘You wish to wear a lab coat on your journey home?’ he asked, exasperation hardening his voice.

‘Maybe I could pop back to my flat later? I just want my own things.’

‘Dios, Claudia, give it up,’ he snapped. ‘I doubt there is anything suitable in that place. There is no need to hide here. I know who you are.’

Her head jerked so quickly a spasm catapulted up her neck. Standing no more than a foot away he looked furious. ‘What are you talking about?’

‘I understand the need for dour camouflage while you are in London. But from this moment on everyone you meet will know exactly who you are. I will make sure of it.’

She blinked. Took a step back. Then another. Why did her heart shrivel in her chest because he thought her appearance dour?

His brow etched into a deep V, the skin around his eyes crinkling, he scoured her face. Claudia looked back to the rail and crushed the hurt before he could witness it.

‘Fine,’ she said, proud of her unwavering voice. ‘One outfit.’ Truth be told she had little choice in the matter. It was clear she wouldn’t be permitted to return home, and surely there was something among this glut that wasn’t...skimpy.

Lucas cleared his throat. ‘Do you wish to sleep in that robe?’ he asked, a little softer, silkier, while his eyes slid down her body in a bold visual caress, as if he craved to see her extreme nakedness beneath. As if.

‘Sleep in it?’ Hardly. Not with his woodsy scent lingering on every fibre. ‘I think not. And do me a favour and stop staring at me. I realise I’m not your standard Copyright 2016 - 2024