Princess of Frost - Mila Young Page 0,19

at the table and push my dread down into the pit where I keep all my other fears. All the food I gorged on suddenly doesn’t sit so well in my stomach.

"Have you decided to talk truthfully?" he asks with the tone of someone who is used to controlling every situation.

My breath catches in my throat when I attempt to respond, so I try again. "I've told you everything."

He's on his feet, and my heart pounds wildly in my chest. I jump up from the seat too, hating feeling like he’s looking down on me. But with the way he stares at me, I can’t tell if my racing pulse is due to fright or scorching heat at being so close to the Prince of Midnight Court.

My body melts under his gaze, and it's completely unfair that such an asshole makes me want his hands all over my body, his teeth grazing the liquid hot flesh between my thighs. I'm only human and crave him like any woman desires a god-like man.

He closes our distance in two long steps and cups my cheeks with his large hands, forcing me to face him. “I'm trying to be lenient here, but you’re making this very difficult."

I grit my teeth, my mind a storm of thoughts and fear of what will happen if I tell him what he wants to hear. A rippling surge of energy rises through me. But I already know how this will play out once he realizes my ability is nowhere as powerful as he thinks. Sure, I can call to the weather and shoot shards of ice from my palms. But those are only for seconds at a time before exhaustion depletes me, so I’m of no use to him. And when he finds out… I tremble thinking about what he’ll do. I glance past him to gauge how easily I can slip away if I make a run for it.

He clears his throat, and I meet his intense stare. “I won’t ask again. Did you overpower those hobgoblins?” He gives nothing away, but continues when I don’t respond, “I would think you are much smarter than this.”

I may be able to stop a few hobgoblins, but an army... I stand no chance. I'm not the answer he's looking for to defeat the monsters coming here. In truth, I’m no one special.

He studies me, and I doubt a man like him could understand that. He is a prince who needs to gain control, who doesn’t care about me, who just wants to use me, so fuck him. I won’t give in, though I just wish my insides would stop tingling.

"If you insult me, what makes you think I’m going to open up to you?" I murmur, unable to believe I'm even saying this.

His jawline clenches, and he grabs my arms, then drags me over to the window and shoves me face-first into it. I shove against him, trying to twist around, but a large hand to my back holds me in place. “By resisting, you are sentencing everyone out there to death.”

I bristle against him, quivering. Irritation thunders through me so hard I can’t even see straight to look outside. I can’t say anything, as I’m choking on my breaths, when he finally releases me.

I stumble and turn around, his gaze narrowing in on me, the look in his eyes one of intimidation.

“I don’t have the power you need,” I hiss and grit my teeth.

“You have a poor way of showing thanks to your protector and prince.”

I cock a brow at the word protector, and he catches on, the look in his eyes confirming it. “You locked me up here when I said I couldn’t help.”

Darkness shimmers behind his eyes, and his hand slides to my neck, holding me in place but not squeezing. “You keep pushing me. You deceive me with those gorgeous eyes, and I’ve been attempting to be nice by allowing you to come to terms with all this. But I’ve had enough of these games. We’re trying this a different way.” He releases me abruptly and turns on his heels before storming out. The door shuts with a final bang, and silence falls over the room.

I sag into my seat as my heart slams in my chest, and I’m shivering, unsure I want to find out what he has planned.



Jerk. Asshole. Insufferable dick.

I can't think of enough words to describe the prince or the fury burning through my veins. Eryk’s threat lingers on my Copyright 2016 - 2024