The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,73


I sigh, rolling my eyes. “I highly doubt that. But since you’re clearly not going to let me go until you say it, get it over with.”

“I know you and Masterson are screwing.”

“Excuse me?” I screech, heat splashing across my face.

Cole and I have been going at it like rabbits every chance we get, but I’m not sure how Shane could possibly know that. We haven’t even told any of our friends we’re dating, too worried the news would find its way back to our parents. Small towns are known for gossip for a reason.

My reaction is all the confirmation Shane needs, his lips spreading into a cocky grin. “I’m betting since you’re his dirty little secret, your parents don’t know. Wonder what they would say if they found out their daughter was sleeping with the help.”

Anger boils inside me. It isn’t the first time someone referred to Cole that way, though it’s been a while since anyone’s had the balls to say it to his face.

“Don’t talk about him like that, asshole,” I seethe. “My parents love Cole. If you thought you could bully me with this bullshit, that makes you not only wrong but also pathetic.”

There’s more conviction behind my words than I feel. Though my parents do love Cole, I’m not entirely sure how they’d react to the two of us dating. Still, I won’t let this asshole threaten me. I’ll just have to pray he doesn’t call my bluff. Or hope that Cole’s plan works.

As I try to step around him, he blocks me. “Oh yeah? Well, maybe we should talk about his dear old dad instead. I recently found out some very juicy information about Nicolas Masterson’s murder.”

I shake my head in disgust, my teeth grinding. “Just when I thought you couldn’t sink any lower. That’s such a dick move, bringing his dead father into this.”

“Oh, but his father isn’t dead.”

My mouth drops open, while his face lights up with pleasure.

He has my attention now.

There’s a knock on my bedroom door, and my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. It’s Cole, no question about it. I’ve been avoiding him since we got home from school, my head a jumbled mess since my conversation with Shane this afternoon. I don’t know the right thing to do in this situation, or what to even say.

“Gwen,” he calls, slowly turning the knob. “I know you’re in there. I’m coming in.”

Damn it. Why didn’t I lock my door?

His face is tight with concern, head ducked as he quietly closes the door behind him. He approaches my bed slowly, like he’s afraid to spook me. “Are you mad at me about something?” he hedges.

I don’t respond, my body frozen with anxiety. There are a lot of emotions flooding me at the moment, but anger isn’t one of them. I’ve got a big decision to make. And, no matter what I choose, Cole gets hurt.

He takes a seat on the end of my bed, sighing. “Well, you’re not speaking to me. I must’ve done something wrong. Can you just tell me so we can move on? I haven’t kissed you all day. I’m dying here.”

I hiccup a laugh, my eyes watering with tears. “Did you beat Shane up?”

He releases a long breath, his shoulders falling. “I thought we agreed it was best not to talk about that shit, Princess.”

“You decided that, but I want to know. Answer my question,” I demand.

His jaw tics, his green eyes studying me for a solid minute before he speaks. “No, I didn’t lay a hand on Shane.”

“But…you did something to him?” I press.

Annoyance darkens Cole’s face, his voice colder as he replies, “Is this really about Shane? The asshole who’s made your life hell for years?”

“Yes. No.” I rub at my throbbing temples. “It’s about you and all this Westbrook Three shit. You guys can’t keep going after people and not expect them to retaliate. It’s not safe.”

His anger is replaced with worry as he scoots closer. “Did someone do or say something to you?”

“No,” I lie. “Of course not. I just can’t stand the thought of anyone ever hurting you.”

That’s a hundred percent true. I would do anything to protect Cole. Even if it means breaking both of our hearts to do it.

A soft smile forms on his lips, and he takes my hands in his. “Let me see if I understand. You’ve been avoiding me for hours because you’re concerned about me?”

“It’s not a joke, Cole,” I choke out. “One day Copyright 2016 - 2024