The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,71


The hallway goes silent again, and my captor finally speaks. “Go ahead, keep struggling. I like it. All it’s doing is turning me on. But if you get me hard, I’m not walking out of here with blue balls.”


Bone chilling fear rocks through me as he runs his nose up my neck, breathing me in. “We need to talk, Gwennie Pig. If I remove my hand from your mouth, are you going to be a good girl and stay quiet for me?”

After I nod my head, he slowly removes his hand. “What are you doing, Shane?”

“I already told you,” he grits. “We need to talk. This was the only way I could get you alone.”

“Okay. Please let me go so we can talk. Face-to-face.”

My stomach churns as he rubs his crotch against my ass. “Fine. But don’t try anything stupid.”

The moment he releases me, I reach for the door handle. He pushes me, my back slamming into the wall as he pins my hands to it. A sinister grin spreads across his face when I whimper from the pain, his eyes ogling my body.

“Green isn’t your color. It’s his,” he hisses. “But this dress is lovely. It displays all your best assets.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because you fucked everything up. It was all going perfectly, but you just couldn’t stay away from him.”

Cole and I have been dating for months, neither of us hearing anything from Shane. But a part of me knew he’d never let go of this vendetta he’s clung to for years.

“Please, you’re hurting me,” I say. “I never said anything to Cole. He found out on his own.”

“Oh, I know exactly where he got his information.” He releases my hands but keeps me caged in. “Did you know your boyfriend attacked me?”

My chest tightens as I shake my head. When Cole told me he talked to Shane, I suspected he used his fists to get his point across.

“You mean like you’re assaulting me now?” I quip.

His eyes darken as they narrow, and the air stills in my lungs. “Stop pretending like this doesn’t turn you on. I’ll bet your panties are soaking wet right now.”

I snarl, my trembling hands shoving his chest. “You’re a sick bastard.”

“Me?” he shouts. “Do you even know who you’ve been opening your legs for, you stupid fucking cow?”

I spit in his face. “Go to hell.”

He’s freakily calm as he wipes my saliva from his face with his shoulder. “We’re already here, bitch. And you’re screwing the devil. Use your brain. How do you think he found out? You didn’t tell him, and I sure as shit didn’t.”

I’ve given this some thought more than once, unable to come up with a single explanation that didn’t incriminate Cole in some way. Not that I’d ever give Shane the satisfaction of knowing that. “I don’t know or care, but I’m glad he did.”

He tsks, shaking his head. “Wrong answer.”

“Why does it matter?”

“Because you need to see who he really is. I tried to show you, make you understand the type of person he would become. Don’t you get it? I’m not the bad guy here.”

Not the bad guy? Is he serious?

“Cole has never done anything to hurt me, which is more than I can say for you.”

His nostrils flare as he sucks in a breath, his expression unreadable by the time he exhales. “Shattering your illusions is going to be so much fun.”

“You’re the delusional one.” I flinch when he lifts his hand like he’s about to strike me, my stomach rolling when he lovingly caresses my face instead.

“I wish we could have some more time together. But he’s bound to come searching for you any minute now. We wouldn’t want him to get the wrong idea or wreck the surprise I have planned.”

“What surprise?”

He smirks at the panic in my voice, ignoring my question completely. “You do know if you tell him about this, he’ll come after me.”

I huff out a laugh. “Is that supposed to keep me quiet?”

He shrugs, his lip pressing with indifference. “The choice is yours. If you want him to get arrested and find out about his father…”

My teeth grind at the condescension in his tone. The asshole is right; telling Cole would only cause problems for him and ruin our night.

Shane smirks. “Now she gets it.”

He steps away and gestures for me to go. Desperate to get away from him and back to Cole, I rush for the door. But Shane places his hand on it before I Copyright 2016 - 2024