The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,61

sorry I couldn’t be there to see you off this morning. I should be home in a day or two.”

Nearly eighteen years old and she’s still worried about being here for my first day of school. I think she might be feeling extra guilty because she’s having such a wonderful time with Patrick. Not that she’s told me as much, but I hear it in her voice every time we talk. She’s happy, and that makes me happy. The idea of her being with Patrick doesn’t bother me. I’m sure my dad would want Mom to live her life instead of merely mourning his.

“It’s fine.” I chuckle, hoping to reassure her. “I’ll make sure Gwen gets a picture of me so you can add it to your collection.”

Gwen throws the covers over her head as I wink.

“Things are still going well with her, then?”

We decided it wasn’t a good idea to tell my mother about us dating yet. She would probably freak out about me and Gwen living in the same house. For now, all she knows is that we’ve made up.

I tug on the comforter and toss it aside, leaving Gwen naked and exposed. “Everything with Gwen is great.”

Her eyes go wide as my hand trails up her thigh, her leg bouncing in an effort to stop me.

“I’m so happy. I knew you couldn’t stay mad at each other forever. What about Thatcher? Have you seen him since he returned?”

After Thatcher and I left Cory’s party, we ended up going back to Thatcher’s house and talked for hours. I clued him in on everything he missed over the summer. All about Arwen and her golden boy. Then me and my princess. It kept him from blowing up Violet’s phone all night. Though he ended up at her door the next day.

“Yep. We hung out Saturday night. Everything is good there too.”

My mother lets out a relieved sigh. “Good, good. And you have everything you need for school?”

“Yes, Mom. Everything is fine. You worry too much. I’ll see you soon.”

“All right, I’ll let you go get ready. Tell Gwen I said hello.”

“Mom says hell…o.”

Gwen gasps at the same time my mom barks out a laugh.

“I hope you two are being stealthier about sneaking around than you were as kids,” my mom teases. “If Mark catches you, you’re on your own.”

Gwen and I exchange a look. Apparently, both of our mothers were well aware of our relationship status when we were younger. It would’ve been nice if one of them had said something. Though, sneaking around was pretty fun.

“Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Well, that was mortifying,” Gwen whines as I put the phone back on the nightstand. “I’ll never be able to look your mother in the eye again.”

“That might make holidays and stuff a little awkward.” I chuckle, my hands roaming over Gwen’s bare body.

“I like the sound of that.” She sighs, her eyes glossy. “Spending the holidays with you.”

The thought causes my heart to warm in my chest as well. Gwen loves Christmas. I’ve missed seeing her face light up with joy every year as we put up the tree.

We’ve been given a second chance, and I don’t plan to miss out on even the smallest of moments with her ever again.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

14 years old


Thatcher takes a deep breath once he’s done telling us everything, his back still turned. My stomach feels sick, my chest tight. When I look over at Arwen, she’s wiping a tear from her eye. I’m not sure what I was expecting Thatcher to tell us today, but this wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities that ran through my head.

The three of us have been thick as thieves for a year now. Though none of us are really much for sharing or talking about the things going on in our lives, I still thought we knew one another pretty well. It kills me that Thatcher’s been going through this and we didn’t see it.

I didn’t see it.

Before Arwen, he was my only friend outside of Gwen. He deserves better from me. There were some signs something was going on with him. He was moodier and withdrawn. But I figured it was normal given how much he’s changed in the last couple of years. I never expected…this.

I’ve been selfish, too busy sneaking around with Gwen to really give it much thought. We’ve been blissfully happy in our little bubble for six months now. As far as our parents and everyone at school Copyright 2016 - 2024