The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,6

would upset me. Telling them about my “falling out” with Cole would mean telling them everything. And I couldn’t do that. As far as they’re concerned, we’re still close.

Being here alone with Cole is unnerving. He disappeared about twenty minutes before my parents left. I have no clue where he is or what he’s doing. There was a time when I knew Cole would never do anything to hurt me. But I’m not so certain anymore. Not after everything I’ve heard about him; about the three of them. Cole and his best friends—Thatcher and Arwen—became known as the Westbrook Three after systematically taking down anyone who wronged them. Kids that once evoked fear from their peers suddenly began cowering down to the three of them.

We only know for sure what they want us to, but it’s never stopped the rumors from flowing. Some were easier to prove fact over fiction. The black eyes, broken noses, and busted lips were hard to hide. But the more ominous tales of blackmail and seduction were tougher to corroborate. Those that’d been targeted weren’t exactly willing to talk about what happened.

Not knowing what he’s capable of is the very thing that scares me. If he figures out what I did, there’s no telling what he might do.

“The Cole you knew is gone. If I were you, I’d steer clear of the soulless, heartless monster you created.”

Cole doesn’t make a sound when he comes back into the kitchen, but my body becomes very aware of him as he moves closer, my pulse ticking with unease. I plunge my unsteady hands into the water, keeping them busy with the dirty dishes. All my muscles tense up as he steps behind me, his body mere centimeters from mine.

“Well, well…this is something I never thought I’d see. The princess is washing dishes. You must be so lost without your maid.” He spits the word out with disgust, the animosity behind it directed at me.

Despite what he believes, I never thought I was better than him. Cole’s mother was so much more than our housekeeper. Especially to me. She was like a second mother. A considerably better one than I had. It crushed me when she got a new job and the two of them moved out. As much as I wanted her to have a life and place of her own, I hated the thought of living in this big house without them. They made it a home.

After Lydia quit, my parents hired some woman to come in three days a week. But I never spoke to her. There was no way to replace what I’d lost.

“Screw you, Cole.”

His chuckled breath brushes through the hair on my neck, and goosebumps spread on my skin. He tugs on the back of my shirt, leaning in until his lips find my ear. “Did you think wearing this ugly fucking rag would make me jealous?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie, rushing to rinse the pan I’d been washing.

His laughter is dark and condescending as he backs away. “That wasn’t very convincing for an expert liar.”

I huff and then slam the pan on the drying rack, toweling off my hands before twirling around to face him. He’s propped against the island, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. The white button-down and black slacks mean he’s working today, and I’m not sure if it’s relief or disappointment I’m feeling.

“Oh, I’m a liar. That’s rich coming from you.” The second the words are out of my mouth I want to stuff them back in. I’m practically inviting him to confront me about the weeks I spent pretending to be someone else.

His features darken with wrath as he stalks toward me. The instinct telling me to run is drowned out by the loud pounding in my chest, my feet staying planted as I grip the quartz countertop. He stands toe-to-toe with me, his six-foot-two frame forcing me to tilt my head back to meet his fiery glare.

“If anyone at Westbrook so much as touched you, I would know it. And, believe me, they wouldn’t make that mistake again.” The jealous snarl of his tone sends a thrill through me.

“Well, at some point, I lost my shirt and ended up in Cory’s. Maybe you don’t hold as much power as you think.” The triumphant sneer tugging at my mouth falls as he grabs my hips with a punishing grip and pulls me to his body.

He leans in, bringing his face dangerously Copyright 2016 - 2024