The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,53

confirmed. This entire time he’s been keeping score, hellbent on winning a game I didn’t even know we were playing.

Well, I don’t want to play anymore.

You win. Congratulations.

Now leave me alone.

Not until I claim my prize.

My pulse races, my glossy eyes careful to avoid him as I attempt to join back in the conversation happening around me. But I don’t really hear anything they’re saying.

Cole’s last message still occupies my thoughts. I’m not sure what type of trophy he’s hoping to take away from all of this. But I already sacrificed everything.

Chapter Twenty-Five



The moonlight falls over Gwen like a damn spotlight, making her radiant skin glow. My jaw tics as she laughs and chats it up with Cory, my hard stare willing her to look my way.

She doesn’t.

She’s been ignoring me since she read my last message on Instagram. Calling her out in the middle of the party probably wasn’t the best plan. But I wanted to see her reaction. I thought it would give me some answers about why she started those messages in the first place. As much as I hate to admit it, Shane got in my head today.

“You’ll have to ask her that question. Though I wouldn’t expect her to tell you. At least not the truth.”

Simply asking her wouldn’t have worked. I needed to catch her by surprise—to see the truth on her face.

When I confirmed that my staying here was to get back at her, she looked so hurt. If she was merely screwing with me all along, she’d probably seem scared or amused. Not heartbroken.

“You have feelings for her,” Violet says, pulling my attention away from Gwen.

Saint doesn’t know most of the people here, so she’s been glued to my side all night. Arwen and Aidan keep disappearing—together. And Violet’s friend Samantha is too busy throwing herself at Cooper. Which leaves me. Not that I mind. But it hasn’t given me much opportunity to be closer to Gwen.

“Who?” I ask, playing dumb.

“Gwen.” Violet gestures toward the other side of the yard with a nod of her head. “You care about her. It’s written all over your face.”

My gaze floats back over to Gwen, my fists curling as she touches Cory’s arm. “No, Saint. I don’t care about her. That girl fucking owns me.”

“Wow,” she breathes. “How does she feel about you?”

“That’s the million-dollar question,” I reply, tearing my eyes away from Gwen. “We belonged to each other once upon a time. She used to say I was her everything.”

“So…all that stuff about the two of you not getting along?”

I shrug and stretch to relieve some of the tension in my muscles. “She broke my heart, and I thought our entire relationship had all been a lie.”

“And now?” she presses, her eyebrows raised with curiosity.

That’s a question I don’t have the answer to yet. It’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out. I want to believe her, but I’m still not sure if I can trust her with my heart again.

“I’m not sure where the truth begins and the lies end,” I explain. “Her feelings seem sincere, but she’s still keeping shit from me.”

Violet sighs. “And I told you people who love us don’t keep secrets.”

“You weren’t wrong.”

“Yes, I was. What Thatcher did—” Her voice wavers, and she clears her throat. “I’m hurting. Mostly because he’s gone and I miss him so damn much. It’s easier to focus on my anger right now. We have some serious shit to work through, but my heart isn’t closed to him. Or the possibility of a future for us. Life and love aren’t black and white. They don’t always look one way or another.”

Violet’s right. Thatcher had a good reason for keeping his past from her. He’ll tell her when he’s ready. The same could be true for Gwen. If I’m going to do this with her again, that’s something I need to trust. Otherwise, Shane wins, and our relationship is doomed.

“It’s going to eat away at you. Knowing she’s hiding shit. That might be even sweeter for me than if you found out the truth.”

“Oh, wise saint, how I do adore you.”

Her smile turns into a huge yawn, her eyes watering. My arm wraps around her shoulders, and she leans into me.

I kiss the top of her head. “We need to get you home. Where did your ride wander off to?”

“Probably the same place she’s been disappearing to all night,” she snickers. “Someone should tell her I’m not blind. Every time Aidan goes missing, so does Copyright 2016 - 2024