The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,51

denying my involvement with Cole when there’s photographic proof. In the one where he’s kissing me, we look like a normal couple in love. Not heartbroken and miserable the way he wants.

Shane never said anything after he sent the pictures. Not even after I gave into the pressure of it and sent a text asking what he wanted. Who knows what he’s planning or the demands he’ll make. I think that’s more terrifying than anything—waiting for the unknown, fearing the worst.

Cory’s gaze lands on me as soon as we step outside, his lips curling into a coy smile.

“It’s kind of sad,” Mia muses. “He’s like a sweet little puppy just begging for you to pet him.”

My nose scrunches as I place the bowls on the table. “Gross. That was a disturbing image. I will not be petting him no matter how much he begs.”

She sighs dramatically. “I don’t know why you’re so harsh. He’s cute. And sweet.”

Mia’s thoughtful tone gives me pause, and I look over to find her staring at Cory all dreamy-eyed. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her look at a guy that way. Mia isn’t one to crush on a guy, hoping they’ll notice her. When she’s into someone, she’s usually a little predatorial. But there certainly seems to be interest in her stare.

“Why don’t you date him, then?”

Her head tilts, her lips perching as she ponders the idea. “No…I can’t. My ego would never be able to handle knowing he had the hots for my best friend.”

I huff out a laugh and shake my head. “You’re a nut.”

“Uh oh, here he comes. Good luck.” She smirks and walks away, leaving me to deal with the mess she created.

“Dang, girl.” Cory whistles. “You look fucking incredible.”

A tight smile is plastered on my face as he wraps his arms around me. I’m regretting my decision to let Mia choose my outfit for the party. The white cropped halter and flowy bright yellow skirt do look amazing on me, but there’s only one guy I’m trying to impress.

I pull out of his hold, my eyes darting around the room in search of Cole before settling on Cory again. “Thank you.”

“I was thinking, if you don’t have plans tomorrow, maybe we can get a do-over for our date?”

“Oh. I, uh…”

Before I can think of a lie, someone wraps an arm around my shoulders. Aidan gives me one of his bright toothy smiles as my gaze finds him. Relief floods me, and I sag into his embrace.

Aidan Shaw is Westbrook’s golden boy. His father owns and runs half the town, and his son is one of their star football players. It doesn’t hurt that Aidan is easy on the eyes, and a really sweet guy. Girls are always throwing themselves at him. If I hadn’t always been so in love with Cole, I might’ve been standing in that line with them.

Aidan greets his teammate with one of those handshake deals guys do. The two of them chat for a minute about practice and how badly the coach kicked their asses today. Then he makes up some excuse to drag me away from Cory.

“It looked like you needed to be rescued,” Aidan teases.

“Thank you,” I breathe. “Mia put the idea in his head that I wanted him to ask me out, and—”

“You don’t want to date him. That’s pretty obvious,” Aidan chuckles. “But…Cory doesn’t pick up on subtle hints. You have to tell him flat out you’re not interested.”

I groan. “Great.”

“Where’s your house guest? I heard he invited Arwen and Violet, too.”

Aidan’s had a thing for Arwen since she breezed into town the summer before eighth grade. He was her first and only friend here for a while. Until she met Cole and Thatcher. The three of them became inseparable, and Arwen cut Aidan out of her life.

They avoided each other for years, but things changed after they spent some time together in South Carolina. Aidan insists there’s nothing going on with them, but I’m not stupid.

According to Cole, Arwen and I are a lot alike. He thinks that’s why we’ve clashed from the beginning. Which I can’t say I agree with. Either way, it’s no secret she’s not my favorite person. I’ll admit it started off as jealousy over her friendship with the boy I loved. But my opinion about her was solidified after she crushed poor Aidan—the first time.

Still, I get the feeling Aidan is lying to me at Arwen’s request.

I don’t trust her. Especially when it comes to Copyright 2016 - 2024