The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,4

footsteps echo as we enter the large space. It has shiny floors, tall white walls, and a big crystal thing hanging from the high ceiling above our heads. I’ve been in a few hotels downtown with Momma when she was looking for work. They were big and nice, like this place, but we never got to stay for long. They would usually take one look at me before sending her away. It’s hard to believe we’ll be living here. The entryway is bigger than most of the rooms we’ve stayed in.

“Gwen, darling,” Nina calls up the long staircase for her daughter. “Come down, please. Lydia and Cole are here.”

A few seconds later, a girl with dark hair wearing a crown and a poofy pink dress walks down the steps. I guess the castle has a real live princess too.

Her lips spread into a smile as she walks toward me, and it makes my stomach feel funny.

I frown back.

“Gwen,” her mother places a hand on her back, edging her closer to me, “this is Cole, Lydia’s son.”

“Hello,” she tries, her hand lifting to wave at me.

When I don’t respond, my mother nudges me. “Don’t be rude, son.”

“Hi,” I grumble, offering her my hand the way her parents had done me.

Her cheeks turn pink, her hand hesitating to take mine. Wanting to get this over with, I grab it and shake it. The contact shocks me, like when I drag my feet on the carpet and zap my mother. I quickly pull away, wiping my palm on my cargo shorts.

“Gwen, why don’t you show Cole around while we get Lydia all moved in?” Nina suggests.

I look at my mom with wide eyes, begging her to save me. She narrows hers in return before giving Nina and Gwen a bright smile. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

Mom pats my head as she walks off with Nina and Mark, leaving me alone with Gwen.

The girl chews on her lip and eyes me, the pink on her cheeks going red as she shifts side-to-side. “Do you like popcorn?”

My forehead bunches at her odd question. “What?”

“There’s a popcorn machine in the theater room,” she explains.

My stomach rumbles at the mention of food, the granola bar I’d eaten this morning long gone. “What the heck is a theater room?”

“You know. Where we watch movies.”

What kind of house has a special room just to watch movies? This place is awesome.

“Is there soda too?” I ask.

She nods, the smile from a moment ago returning to her face. “And candy.”

Maybe this place won’t be so bad.

“Show me the way, Princess Gwen.”

Chapter Three



My limbs are heavy with exhaustion, the pounding in my head excruciating as I get ready to face the day. There’d be no point in staying in bed. Sleep evaded me all night. Knowing Cole was right down the hall left me on edge. The lock on my door provided no sense of comfort or security, and I found myself listening for him, jumping out of my skin any time there was the slightest creak in the floor.

When my parents arrived home around midnight, I was finally able to close my eyes. Only to wake every thirty minutes with the sensation someone was watching me, my heart racing while my eyes flew around the room. There was never anyone there. It was merely Cole’s presence looming over me.

I still have no clue why he’s here or how long he plans to stay. The prospect of him living with us again is terrifying. Cole hasn’t exactly hidden his hatred for me over the last two years. If he found out I lied to get closer to him, there’s sure to be retribution. He isn’t exactly the forgiving type and would never give me the chance to explain why I’d done it.

Convincing my parents to kick him out would be virtually impossible, though. Cole and his mother moved in when we were only six years old. He grew up in this house, and my parents think of him as family. For all they know, Cole still loves and protects me like a brother. They don’t know how much things have changed between us since he moved out. But they’d likely take his side anyway.

If they only knew about all the nights he snuck into my room.

I inhale deep and slow to calm my erratic heart, giving myself one more glance in the mirror. It’s amazing, the time and effort girls put in to look as if they don’t care about their appearance. After Copyright 2016 - 2024