The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,38

my bedroom door causes me to jump, a tiny yelp expelling from my lungs. I stay frozen, my stare glued to the door until my mother calls from the other side.

“Gwen, can I come in?”

I take a deep breath, blowing it out in a huff. “Sure.”

My mother floats inside. Even a mundane task like walking is a graceful dance with her. She sits at the end of my bed, eyeing the book in my hands. “Is that any good?”

I shrug. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Truthfully, I have no clue. I’ve been staring at the pages for two hours, not absorbing a single word. My thoughts are too preoccupied with Cole and the plan for Friday night.

“What’s it about?”

My brow knits as I close the book. She seems nervous and slightly uncomfortable. It reminds me of the time she told me Blair Swanson didn’t want me at her birthday party. Apparently, I was too fat to be her friend. “You didn’t come in here to talk to me about my book, Mom. What’s up?”

She shifts, crossing her legs and straightening her skirt. “Well…I just wanted to let you know that your father and I spoke with Cole this morning.”

Nervous energy courses through my veins, and I tuck my legs underneath me. “You saw Cole today?”

Her stare becomes probing as she nods. “He wanted to ask us if he could invite some friends over Friday night as well.”

“He what?” I screech.

How the hell did Cole even find out about the kickback? It’s not like we run in the same circles. Mia told me about the idea yesterday, and we only invited ten of our closest friends. There’s no way any of them told him about it.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Your father and I weren’t sure what to say. It didn’t seem right to tell him no. We want him to feel at home while he’s staying here.”

“That’s perfect,” I grumble.

She reaches out, placing a hand on my arm. “Is everything all right between you and Cole? Will the two of you be okay here alone together while we’re gone?”

My heart races at the thought. We’ve been alone together in this house several times since his return, but having the house to ourselves for an entire weekend is different. Especially when I don’t know where things stand with us.

“Yes, of course. It’s fine,” I fib, squirming away from her touch. “Cole’s friends and my friends don’t get along very well is all. But I’m sure everything will work out.”

She frowns. “I’m sorry. If I’d known things were so strained with you two, I wouldn’t have—”

“Everything’s good,” I interject, my tone dripping with annoyance. “Stop worrying.”

Her lips press at my harsh tone, an exasperated huff blown out her nose. “I honestly assumed you’d be happy to have him back in the house. You were so sad after he moved out. I’m not sure what happened, but I hoped this would give you time to work things out. The light in your eyes hasn’t been as bright since you two stopped talking.”

My eyebrows shoot up, my stomach flipping. “You knew about that?”

I thought my mother was in the dark about everything with Cole. It certainly wasn’t something I shared with her. Or anyone. My heartbreak was suffered in silence.

“Of course. Just because you don’t talk to me about the things going on in your life doesn’t mean I’m not aware of them. I’m your mother. Despite our differences and the quarrels we’ve had, you’ll always be my baby. Nothing could ever change that. You’re a part of me. I know when you’re hurting. Even if I don’t always understand why.”

I chew on my bottom lip, unsure what to say. My mother and I don’t do the heart-to-heart talks. This feels strange. But she’s trying, and she needs to know I appreciate it.

“It’s complicated.” My vague, generic answer doesn’t give much away, but it confirms something is going on with Cole. Which is all I’m willing to share at this point.

She gives me a knowing smile. “Love tends to be that way.”


My heart skips a beat. “What?”

“Don’t look so surprised. It’s obvious he’s crazy about you. Always has been. I think he fell for you the first time he saw you prancing down the steps wearing your tiara. That boy would move heaven and earth for you.”

My face tingles, all those penned-up emotions threatening to break free. I do believe there was a time Cole felt that way. He would’ve done anything to protect me, to make me Copyright 2016 - 2024