The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,28

at my mom who’s washing the dishes. “Is this safe to eat?”

My mom chuckles as I scoff in offense. “I’m an excellent cook, thank you very much.”

“I guess we’ll find out,” she teases, taking the plate over to the kitchen table.

My attempt to scowl at her is ruined by the smile that breaks out across my face. I’m just happy she’s out of her room and joking with me again.

“Are my parents here?” Gwen’s defeated tone suggests she already knows the answer.

“No, sweetheart,” my mom answers, wiping her hands dry. “They headed out early this morning and aren’t expected back until this evening.”

It isn’t hard to miss the disappointment on Gwen’s face as she nods. Her parents aren’t around much. They always shower her with gifts, but really, she just wants their time.

“Do we have—”

Before she can finish her question, I bring over the syrup. “You can’t have French toast without syrup.”

Gwen smiles at me, her eyes lingering on my face long enough to heat it as I pour some syrup onto her plate. “Thank you.”

“Well, go on,” I urge her. “Take a bite and tell me it’s not the best French toast you’ve ever tasted.”

Gwen rolls her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching into a smile. “All right, I’m going in.”

She cuts off a piece with a fork and pops it in her mouth, her cheeks going pink as I watch her chew. When a satisfied hum passes through her lips, I stand a little taller.

“Okay,” she nods, pointing to the plate of food with her fork, “you were right. This is the best French toast I’ve ever had.”

“Exactly.” I smirk, ruffling her messy hair before returning to the stove.

“Why don’t you join her,” Momma says, scooping another batch of toast onto a plate for me. “I’ll get me some in a minute. You two go on and eat.”

I take the plate, and my mom places a kiss on my cheek. Gwen continues shoveling her food as I take the seat next to her.

“What are you doing today?” Gwen asks me, question garbled from her full mouth.

I chuckle. “Thatcher said something about hanging out today, but I’m sure it’s cool if you come too.”

Her shoulders slump as she shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. I think I’ve got some homework to do.”

That’s a lie. Gwen doesn’t like Thatcher very much. I’m pretty sure she’s jealous of him. It’s been the two of us for years now. She’s not used to sharing me. If the tables were turned, I likely wouldn’t feel much different.

We both need to make more friends, though. Normally I’d refuse to cancel my plans with Thatcher and hope she’d change her mind. But there’s no way I’m leaving her alone all day when she’s so upset.

I sigh. “Actually, I think I’d rather hang out with you today.”

Her entire face lights up. “Really?”

“Unless you have too much homework,” I tease.

She shakes her head. “No, no. It can wait. What do you want to do?”

“I could be persuaded to take a trip to the mall,” Momma chimes in.

My eyebrows lift in question. “What do you think?”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” Gwen agrees.

“Great. I’ll go get ready and we can head out around ten.” Momma walks over, patting me on the shoulder and giving me a kiss on the head before she leaves the kitchen.

My mom knows exactly what I did and why. The same reason she volunteered to take us to the mall when she hates going. Especially on a Saturday.

There isn’t anything either of us wouldn’t do for Gwen.

Chapter Fourteen



Mia’s stare feels warmer than the summer sun beating down on me. It didn’t surprise me that Cole was the first thing she asked me about when I arrived. She did the same thing every other time she called or texted me all week. I’ve yet to answer a single one of her prying questions. Partially because I’m not even sure what to tell her. Everything is so screwed up.

I turn my head, sliding my sunglasses down my nose and glaring at her. “What?”

“Are we really doing this? You’re just going to sit there sunbathing by my pool, refusing to give me an update on the Cole situation?”

Groaning, I push my glasses back in place and return my attention to the clear sky above me. “Is it so wrong to want to go one day without Cole Masterson consuming my every thought?”

“Come on, I’ve been waiting for this day,” she whines. “My little Gwendolyn is finally crazy Copyright 2016 - 2024