The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,4

in the area.

By six o’clock, she unlocked the door to her one bedroom apartment, entered, and pushed it closed, feeling relief as the silence of her apartment surrounded her, soothing her nerves. It was a tiny apartment and not in the best neighborhood, but nor was it in the worst. And the money she saved on it allowed her to invest more of her income in computer equipment. She peeled off her grease covered jeans and tee-shirt and, after a quick shower, pulled on a pair of soft, warm leggings and a sweatshirt. She didn’t bother with the restriction of a bra; she was too tired tonight.

With a sigh of happiness, she opened the box of cereal and poured herself a bowl, taking a couple pieces and tossing them into her mouth. She looked into her fridge, but unfortunately, she hadn’t had the energy to hit the grocery store. So there was no milk to go on top of her cereal. With resignation, she picked up her bowl and carried it over to her computer, logging in and checking out the news. With her legs crossed and a pillow tucked behind her back, she checked her e-mail, hoping someone had responded to her latest inquiries. There were a few replies, but none that sounded promising. She sighed with frustration. Why was this so difficult? It shouldn’t be this hard to find someone!

Refusing to give up, she was just about to go into her bedroom to start her real search when there was a knock on the door. She carried her bowl of cereal with her as she padded barefoot to the door. Being careful, she peered through the peephole first, then looked again, too surprised by what she had seen to absorb the man standing on the other side of the doorway.

When he knocked again, she wasn’t sure what to do. Biting her lower lip, she looked around, trying to find an escape. But there was only a small window in her living room and bedroom, not even a balcony where she could jump, if she were brave enough to do that. She was seven floors up! She couldn’t escape that way and, even if she had the equipment, she wouldn’t use it to get down. She was too afraid of heights!

“Open the door, Wyndi,” the stranger’s deep voice said through the thin door.

She looked back, her eyes wide with fear. Why was he here? He’d said they would be going out to dinner, but she hadn’t agreed! And she definitely hadn’t given him her address! How had he found her?

“Wyndi. Now,” he commanded.

That did it! She had to deal with irritating men at work, but there was no way she was going to take it in the privacy of her own home. Whipping the door open, she glared at…his chest. When she looked up, she caught his amused look and glared at his face, which only made her more irritated than ever. “Who do you think you are?” she demanded, gripping her cereal bowl tightly, so angry she thought she might just take a swing at the man. “We aren’t at the diner, so I don’t have to be polite to you,” she burst out, poking him in the chest, then pulling her finger in because she’d hurt herself doing that.

Tamar almost burst out laughing, so stunned by this woman’s outburst. No one, male or female, had ever raised their voice to him.

She stood there with her hands on her fists, furious with both his intrusion and his amusement. “What’s so funny? I insult you and you think that’s hilarious?” Her eyes narrowed as she glared up at him. “Are you mentally disturbed?” she asked carefully, considering all possibilities.

That only increased his humor and he stepped into the small apartment, closing the doors on his body guards so she didn’t see them. “I assure you that I am in full control of my mental capacities, little one,” he came back.

She wasn’t sure if she was bristling more at his invasion or his endearment. “I’m not little,” she came right back, painfully aware that she hadn’t put on a bra since his eyes had just zeroed in on that omission. “And you have to leave,” she told him, crossing her arms over her breasts.

He moved closer to her, trapping her against the wall. “I don’t think I’m going to do that, Wyndi.”

She held her breath, not sure what game he was playing. “What are you doing here?” she whispered, trying Copyright 2016 - 2024