The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,23

fell asleep, almost purring with satisfaction.

Chapter 6

“You have the girl still?” Jabril asked as they walked through the tree lined courtyard together.

“She’s still here,” he confirmed. Wyndi had been here for the past week. They bantered back and forth, both of them trying to oust the other from their positions. He was surprised at how tenacious she could be, day after day. But the nights! Yes, the nights were the best. He didn’t mind seducing her every night. He enjoyed her struggles to resist him because every time he touched her, every time she tried to resist the magic they shared, she lost. They both came out the victor but, frustratingly, no matter how many nights he held her in his arms and made her delirious with desire, she still wouldn’t give him any information.

They had spirited debates over meals and he was finding that he didn’t like to be away from her. He told his security team that he would do the interrogations, but he was starting to suspect that he simply enjoyed debating with her.

“But she hasn’t revealed what she sold or to whom,” Jabril stated, not asking. If any information had been obtained, Jabril knew that his cousin would have relayed it already.

“Perhaps I can be of assistance,” Jabril offered, smiling gently when his wife Laila walked up to him. His arm automatically went around her waist, holding her close despite her protruding stomach that was nurturing their unborn child.

Tamar considered his cousin carefully, not liking the idea of what Jabril might suggest. “I can handle this,” he said firmly.

“Are you talking about Wyndi?” Laila asked, looking up at her husband of less than a year. She still couldn’t believe how much she loved this man, even though she’d fought hard against that dangerous emotion.

Both men looked down at her, startled that she even knew the name. “How do you know about Wyndi?” Tamar asked. He liked Laila and was glad that she was happy with his cousin. Jabril deserved all the happiness he could find and needed this woman who pulled him away from his duties, ensuring that he rested more than in the past. She was good for Jabril. And good for Surisia. It was hard to look at the two of them though. They were so much in love and Tamar knew that he would never have that kind of relationship with a woman.

A picture of the blond temptress that had been driving him slowly insane over the last week came to mind. But he mercilessly pushed her image away. She was a criminal and definitely wouldn’t be a good candidate for his wife. Nor would he even contemplate such a move. He was only holding her here to get information out of her. Information that was becoming more elusive the harder everyone looked.

“I met her when I was coming in a moment ago. She’s a lovely woman, Tamar. I’m glad you’ve finally found someone who loves you like that.”

Tamar stared at the dark haired beauty as if she’d just grown another head. “Love?” he spat out. “I don’t think so.”

Laila blinked, surprised by the vehemence in Tamar’s normally calm voice. Tamar was a good man, but he tended to dismiss the ladies a bit too easily. She’d struggled with her marriage to Jabril because she’d thought that her then-fiancé was maintaining a mistress in both Paris and New York. In the end, it turned out that those apartments, and the mistresses that resided in both, were maintained by Tamar now that Jabril was the leader of Surisia.

That didn’t bode well for the incredible beauty she’d just met. The sadness in that woman’s eyes was….well, Laila looked up into Tamar’s frustrated countenance and something clicked. The expressions in both their eyes told her everything she needed to know.

“Let’s have dinner together. Just the four of us,” she announced.

Jabril looked down at her, worried at the idea of her dining with a criminal, especially someone who might have committed treason against Surisia. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, my love.”

“Nonsense. We all have to eat. And she’s obviously being treated as more of a guest than a prisoner.” She watched the guilty flush steal over Tamar’s handsome features. “So why not all eat together?”

Tamar started to say something but was interrupted by Jabril. Both of them were protesting, but Laila simply waved their objections aside. “I’ll go arrange it.” And with that decree, she moved away from the two tall, dynamic men as quickly Copyright 2016 - 2024