The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,22

a computer. Giving you access to your computer is the very last thing I am willing to do.”

“Then how am I going to prove anything to you?” she demanded, exasperated but still seeing the humor.

“Tell me what I want to know.”

She couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her lips. “We’re going in a circle here.”

He chuckled as well. “I guess we are at an impasse. What are we going to do about that?”

“You could trust me.”

He threw back his head and laughed, delighted with her gamin expression despite himself. She was truly a fascinating adversary. His anger from this afternoon had completely dissipated, but he still needed to remain firm about his goals. He couldn’t allow her to bring down Jabril’s government or any of his businesses. That was an absolute. But perhaps he was going about the interrogation wrong. He contemplated her lovely features across the table from him, thinking that he might get the information he wanted if he approached her differently. His body would certainly agree with his next approach.

“I must attend to some business,” he said abruptly, standing up and coming to the other side of the table. “I will see you later, my beauty.” He reached down and took her hand, gently kissing her fingers before walking out the door.

Wyndi was so startled by that touch, she wasn’t sure what to do or say. Or even how to react. What happened to the man who had been livid with her only hours ago? She was so confused. And scared.

She prowled the room, exploring the shelves and the various items. She selected a book off of the shelf and curled up in one of the chairs, snuggling down to read the story. She was surprised when she found herself intrigued by the plot, engrossed to the point of forgetting the time. She had no idea how long she’d been reading, but she finally accepted that she needed a light. Unfortunately, the only lights were on each side of the bed. How was it that the whole room had only those two lamps?

Looking up at the ceiling, she found that there were recessed lights and even some modern looking hanging lights, but she couldn’t figure out how to turn them on. So as much as she didn’t want to get back into that bed, she couldn’t come up with an alternative. The mystery she’d selected had captured her mind and there didn’t seem to be anyone coming to unlock the doors to release her. There wasn’t any other form of entertainment either.

She curled up on the side of the bed, stuffing the multitude of pillows behind her back, making herself comfortable. She figured she could jump up as soon as Tamar came in. If he even came back.

Tamar refused to allow himself to return to his bedroom until later than normal. He hounded his tech team, demanding that they do something to find the files he needed. But they worked well into the night with no success. They weren’t finding any stolen information on her laptop. At least not in the files they’d been able to open up so far.

So here he was, looking down at the woman curled up on his bed and his body instantly started aching with the need to have her once again. He walked to the side of his bed, looking down at her pale features shadowed by the dim light of his bedside lamp. She truly was an exquisitely beautiful woman with delicate features and a full, luscious mouth that he wanted to taste even now.

Stripping off his clothes, he considered all the ramifications of his next plan of action. Figuring there was no downside to making love, or more specifically, having sex, with this woman if it sped the process along and he got the information he needed, he tossed his clothes to the side, then lifted her into his arms, kissing her awake. He knew the instant consciousness arrived because she stiffened in his arms. But he’d been prepared and, if there was one thing he’d learned the previous two nights in this lovely woman’s arms, it was where she liked to be touched, the way she shivered with delight when he found all of her secret erogenous areas. And he used that knowledge to his benefit, touching, kissing and caressing her until she was gasping for breath, begging him to finish what he’d started.

And when it was all over, he held her in his arms as she gently Copyright 2016 - 2024