The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,20

was resting on the doorknob, he stopped and turned around. She looked so small and scared sitting in the middle of his bed. Was he doing the right thing? Perhaps there was a better approach…something that would be kind….

He swore once again and yanked open the door, refusing to let her lost, forlorn expression move him again. It was all a lie and he hated liars. Especially liars that tried to fool him.

He went to his office and forced himself to deal with all the issues that had been piling up while he’d been hunting down the hacker. Over the past two days, he’d spent way too much time thinking about that woman. Even yesterday when he’d been sitting in meetings, he hadn’t been paying attention, too occupied thinking of different ways to make love to her.

And that was probably the crux of the problem. She’d fit him so perfectly sexually, her drive was so in tune with his. No matter where he touched her, she was breathless for more and he’d felt the same way when she’d touched him. Now he understood that it was all just a game, a way to hide her illegal activities so she wouldn’t be prosecuted.

With brutal self-discipline, he forced his mind to work, focusing on his responsibilities and not allowing his mind to think of the slender, enticing and defiant prisoner currently in his bedroom.

Chapter 5

Wyndi pushed herself to the head of the bed, looking around and trying to figure out what she was going to do. The sun was starting to set through the windows and she’d already looked around this enormous room, trying to find a way out, to escape and, when that was not possible, just snooping through Tamar’s things.

She’d been kidnapped and, unless she was completely losing her mind, this wasn’t a nightmare.

When the lock sounded on the door, she stared at it anxiously. Tamar strode into the room followed by several servants who set up a table and some delicious smelling foods. Wyndi realized that she hadn’t eaten anything since the previous night’s pasta, but since she had no idea what time it was, or even where she was, she couldn’t figure out what meal this should be. She was starving though, so she wasn’t going to turn this down.

“Come,” he called out to her when they were alone once again.

So much for filling her painfully empty stomach, she thought angrily.

She’d just been about to get up off the bed and find out what was under the silver covers, but when he ordered her around like a dog, that stubbornness flared to life once more. She stared back at him, pretending like he hadn’t just ordered her to move and her stomach didn’t feel like it was caving in from hunger.

With a sigh, he turned around and glared at her. “Wyndi, it has now been more than eighteen hours since you last ate. I know you are hungry, so stop being ridiculous and come sit down.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she made herself more comfortable on the bed. “It doesn’t matter how hungry I might have been, my appetite simply disappeared the moment you entered the room. I guess your presence now has that effect on me.”

He wanted to applaud her spunk, but he was too worried about her getting some nutrition to be impressed. Taking another approach, he walked slowly over to the bed, his eyes moving over her slender figure suggestively. “I guess I’ll just have to interpret your lack of an appetite for food to be an appetite for me to join you in that large, comfortable bed. Is that right?” he asked, his eyes flaring at the idea.

Wyndi was having none of that! She jumped off of the bed, leaping to the opposite side to protect herself from him touching her. “Don’t you dare!” she growled angrily.

And with that rejection, the fire inside of him was once again ignited. She didn’t know him well enough, and if the truth were told, he didn’t even understand his reaction to her lately, but her rejection of his touch only made him want to prove that she wasn’t as immune to his touch as she’d like to claim. It was as if he needed to put his stamp of ownership on her, to make her so crazy with desire that she would tell him everything he wanted to know.

With that intent in mind, he moved towards her, his intention clear.

“What are you doing?” she gasped when Copyright 2016 - 2024