The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,2

to suppress her grin. “But if you’d like something different, just let me know.”

Tamar laughed, delighted with her. “This looks wonderful. Thank you for your assistance.” He was so turned on by the mischievous glint in her eyes he wanted to lift her up onto the table and kiss her until she was purring under his touch.

He didn’t hesitate a moment longer, picking up the burger with both hands as if he were a pro at devouring the messiest foods possible.

Wyndi moved away, feeling defeated somehow. She tried very hard to ignore him, but as she helped her other tables, she kept her eyes on the man and his burger. As he took his first bite and didn’t complain, she started to feel guilty. The burger was enormous! It had guacamole, a fried egg, lots of jalapeño slices, a huge spoonful of extremely hot chili and even sour cream! It was one of those burgers that the guys ate in the evening after a long, hard day and they generally loved it. But this man wasn’t like them! He was too elegant, too refined.

She turned away when he took another bite, thinking she should put in another order for him. Maybe a nice salad or something tame. He was going to have an upset stomach. Well, he would if he continued to eat the darn thing!

She felt so horrible about what she’d done, she couldn’t even look in his direction. She stared down at the tray of clean glasses, her heart wrenching at her dirty trick. The man had scared her, so what? He didn’t deserve to have an upset stomach for the rest of the day and night! She had been vicious and evil. She sighed and reached under the counter for a bowl, needing to rectify her viciousness as quickly as possible. She added a package of crackers, hoping she could somehow make amends as she scooped out a bowl of soothing chicken soup.

As she balanced the bowl of soup on her tray, she was just about to set it down on the man’s table when she glanced up, just in time to see him wipe the sides of his mouth with the paper napkin. Looking down, she was stunned to see that the enormous, spicy burger was completely gone. As were all the greasy fries as well.

“What happened to the burger?” she demanded, her mouth falling open as she looked from his plate to his eyes, not believing the evidence in front of her.

Tamar wanted to laugh, delighted with her surprise, but a hurt, vulnerability in her eyes struck him and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. The bowl of soup in her hands was shaking slightly and he took it, carefully setting it down on the plastic table. “The burger was delicious. I appreciate your suggestion as I have never tasted anything like it.”

She looked at the man’s dark, sexy eyes, then back down to his plate. “You ate the whole thing?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper as her shock came through her tone.

“Of course,” he replied. “I’m guessing by your surprised expression that you were not expecting such an occurrence?”

Wyndi swallowed past the lump in her throat. “No. I didn’t think you were….” She was going to say “the type” but it sounded silly now. She took a deep breath and pulled her shoulders back. “I apologize,” she whispered, ashamed of herself now. “I was irritated by your attitude and I brought you a meal that…might make you feel bad later on.”

Tamar was enchanted, seeing the distress in her pretty blue eyes, and something inside of him twisted slightly. “The chicken soup was to soothe my stomach, was it not?” he asked, amused and delighted with this softer, more delicate side of her.

She sighed and leaned against the edge of the booth. “Yes. I was being inconsiderate before. Are you okay? You didn’t have to eat that disgusting burger. I wouldn’t have thought less of you.”

One black brow went up in question. “Wouldn’t you?” he challenged and caught the blush in her lovely, pale cheeks. “If you want to make amends, come to dinner with me.”

Wyndi blinked and couldn’t stop the laughter that burst out of her. “I don’t feel that guilty!” she replied when she finally got her amusement under control.

He stood up, towering over her as he looked down into her amused eyes. “How can I convince you to dine with me?” he asked, taking her hand in his.

Wyndi stared Copyright 2016 - 2024