The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,19

authorities to face charges of treason! She deserved nothing less, since she’d chosen to follow the path of a criminal. He shouldn’t be hurt simply because he’d said something that hurt her.

He turned away in disgust, not with her so much as with himself. Never had he allowed his personal feelings to get in the way of fulfilling his duties and protecting his country.

The plane landed smoothly and he stood up, buttoning his jacket before turning to extend a hand to her. It was an automatic gesture but he just about ground his teeth in fury when she rejected his hand. Standing up, she glared up at him, looking for all the world like a conquering heroine that had been wronged. Damn, she was a good actress!

“This way,” he told her and led the way off of the plane. They didn’t have time to talk since he’d ordered his helicopter to be standing by. As soon as his jet had landed, the rotors of the helicopter started moving. So by the time he was off the plane, the bird was ready to take flight. He ducked lower, about to enter through the side door, but he glanced back to make sure Wyndi was following. He was stopped by the look of sheer terror in her eyes. She wasn’t moving, wasn’t even looking at him. Her eyes were glued to the swinging rotors, almost transfixed by their motion.

“Get in the helicopter,” he told her when he was once again standing next to her.

Wyndi looked up at him, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat but nothing was happening. She couldn’t get on that helicopter. There was simply no way. Her feet refused to carry her forward and there wasn’t anything he could do to get her there.

When Tamar realized that she wasn’t going to get on board, he cursed under his breath. With one swift movement, he lifted her into his arms and strode forward. Unfortunately, he hadn’t anticipated that her fears were real and she wasn’t just playing games. He almost dropped her when her body went rigid, then began fighting him for everything she was worth. It took all his concentration to get her on board. By that time, she was sobbing in his arms and he didn’t have the heart to toss her into the next seat. He nodded to the pilot to take off, all the while holding Wyndi gently in his arms, rocking her back and forth and rubbing her back while he whispered soothing noises to her, trying to calm her down.

Thankfully, the flight was only twenty minutes, but it would have taken them more than an hour to get to his destination via car. So when the machine set down, he told the pilot to halt the rotors. He didn’t move until all the dust had settled around them. Then he carefully picked her up and carried her inside. He ignored the way her body was trembling violently and refused to think about how nice she felt with her face tucked into his neck so she couldn’t see anything. Her arms were iron bands around his neck and, in this instance at least, she trusted him to keep her safe. He realized that her fears might be irrational, but they were very real, and he felt bad for forcing her to endure the short flight.

He carried her through his palace, ignoring the servants who were quickly bowing down as he passed. He didn’t stop until he pushed through the doors to his very own bedroom. Why he’d brought her here instead of one of the smaller rooms that would be easier to guard, he had no idea. All he knew was that he wanted answers and he was going to get them from this woman, one way or another.

Wyndi looked up, trying to absorb this nightmare in which she’d been dumped. It simply wasn’t possible that she’d been kidnapped! That the man who had been so funny, kind and sensual had turned into a monster, and she was now in a foreign country where she didn’t know the rules. No, these things happened in the movies and on television. This wasn’t her life! This was just another nightmare in which she would wake up. She just hoped she’d wake up sooner rather than later because this was terrifying.

“When you’re ready to cooperate, just let one of my body guards know.” He turned around and walked to the door but when his hand Copyright 2016 - 2024