The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,18

was not something she would even consider. She had to continue to hope that he was out there. And if he was in trouble, she would fix it for him. Somehow, some way, she was going to get her family back together, even if it was only the two of them.

She picked up the note pad and the pen, glaring at him the whole time. She could tell from the look in his eyes that he was expecting a long, detailed list. He even shifted in his chair, looking like he was some sort of king about to bestow a favor upon one of his subjects. Well, he might be a horrible royal to some kingdom or another, but she didn’t care any longer. She refused to care because he hadn’t trusted her. She’d given him her body and he’d returned that gift with distrust and kidnapping.

Tamar glared at her, surprised when she actually picked up the note pad and started writing. But he knew she hadn’t been completely honest when she handed it back only seconds later. He held her eyes for a long moment, trying to figure out her game. When he looked down at what she’d written, he had to admit that his previous thought was wrong. The fury that exploded inside of him as he read the words, “Go to hell!” exploded into a white-hot flame. His previous assumption that he’d never been so angry was surpassed by the intensity of what he was feeling now.

And she simply sat there, glaring back at him as if she hadn’t just lit the fuse of his temper. But with merciless self-discipline, he contained the raging inferno. Calmly and with great care, he set the pad down on the table beside him and contemplated the beauty sitting in front of him so defiantly. “You don’t want to test me, my dear. You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

Her chin went up another notch and she fought back the tears, refusing to give in to the release until she was alone. “Oh, I do though. I’m sitting across from the worst excuse for a man I’ve ever met.”

At this point, she would have walked away, tried to find some way to exit the area but since they were on a plane, there was no place to go. So she sat there, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring right back at him.

She breathed a sigh of relief when a phone on the table next to him rang. He continued to stare at her as he picked it up and answered it. Unfortunately, she had no idea what he was saying since he was using that other language. So she had to just sit there, trying to figure out how to extricate herself from this nightmare.

He ended one call and was about to speak but a lovely flight attendant stepped out of the front. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Your Highness, but the pilot has informed me that we will be landing in approximately five minutes.”

Tamar saw her pretty blue eyes change from defiance to anxiety and he smiled ruthlessly, contemplating his next step. “Yes, you should be very worried, my dear. You are now in my country, regulated by my laws. And my authority.”

“You’re not the ruler here!” she gasped, terrified of what he could do to her. She pictured in her mind a horrible, damp cell where she’d be forgotten. That definitely wasn’t the rosy, family filled future she’d been hoping for.

He chuckled and shook his head while he fastened his seat belt. “No. I’m not the ruler. But my cousin is. And I can guarantee that I will have complete authority over you, my love.”

She gasped, horrified at the possibilities. “I’m not your ‘love’!” she exclaimed, grasping on the only thing she could control at the moment.

He chuckled. “No. There was no love lost between us, was there? It was a mutual exploitation. You used me, and I used you to get information.”

She couldn’t believe the harsh, stabbing pain that streaked through her chest from his words. She wished she could come back with something equally painful to say back to him, but she just sat there, trying to hide her misery.

Tamar cursed as he took in her wounded eyes. She was a criminal, he reminded himself. She’d made a fool of him! She didn’t deserve his compassion! He would use her, get the information he needed from her and then turn her over to the Copyright 2016 - 2024