The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,16

invaded her dreams.

But today she felt more refreshed than she had in a long time.

Unfortunately, she also didn’t know where she was. Looking around, she saw the luxurious bed, the elegant cabinets, but none of it made sense. Even the bed was softer than she was used to. This definitely wasn’t the mattress she’d bought for twenty dollars at the thrift store down the street from her apartment.

She still didn’t have any clothes on and that realization brought to mind all the memories of the previous night. Once again, Tamar had taken her into his arms and kissed her. From that moment on, she had been putty in his hands, desperate for his touch and to touch him. It had been a fascinating experience and she shivered at the memory of how sated she’d felt after each climax. Was that normal? She didn’t think it was, if the talk from her friends and co-workers was any indication.

She spotted her jeans and a red tee-shirt on the chair beside the window but the sight only confused her more. Where was she? The fear started to bubble up as she took in more of the details. This wasn’t just a room, she started to understand. This was a plane! She was flying!

She stood up, taking the sheet with her because, other than her location, nothing had changed. She was still naked, still felt the tenderness between her legs and her sore muscles from the exertion after Tamar’s touches last night.

But where was she? She started opening doors and discovered a bathroom. There, she took care of the necessities, including a quick shower, not even bothering to revel in the luxurious shampoos and soaps available to her. At another time, she might have appreciated them, but she was becoming terrified of the unknown.

Back out in the bedroom, she quickly slipped underwear, her jeans and tee-shirt on, then went out the other door. Even looking through the windows didn’t give her a clue as to where she was because there were only clouds below, nothing to give her any sort of location.

She opened the door, her eyes looking for anything that would give her answers. When they lit upon Tamar who was sitting in a large, cream leather chair reading a newspaper, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Tamar, where are we?”

Tamar braced himself to not stand up and greet her as he normally would have done. She was his prisoner, not his guest, he had to remind himself. Albeit, a lovely, exceedingly sexy prisoner who still looked warm and inviting after her shower. He berated himself when he noticed that the dark circles were gone from her eyes. He didn’t care about her sleep, he told himself firmly. He would not ask her why she’d been so tired since the moment he’d first met her. He knew the answer. She didn’t sleep at night, too busy digitally infiltrating companies to copy information!

Damn her! He’d started to think she was different from the other women! She’d fooled him into thinking she wasn’t a money grubbing opportunist but she was worse that all the others. He’d played women’s games in the past, humoring his mistresses when he was pleased but ignoring their feminine manipulations when he was irritated.

Wyndi had been different! At least he’d thought so until he’d uncovered her perfidy!

“We are heading to a secure location. Have no fear, my dear. As long as you tell me what I need to know, no harm will come to you.”

Wyndi heard the words but had to play them over again in her mind, not sure that she’d heard him correctly. “A secure location,” she parroted, wondering what had happened to the warm, demanding lover of the previous night.

He folded his newspaper carefully, laying it on the table beside him. “Yes. A location where we can talk undisturbed and where you can give me all the information on what you’ve been doing.”

She blinked, not sure what he was talking about but definitely sure that she was scared now. “Tamar, what are you talking about?” she demanded, her hands forming fists so he couldn’t see her trembling. “Where are we going and why?”

He regarded her for a long moment, considering the best way to get the information he needed. Finally, he waved to the seat across from him, indicating she should sit. When she just glared back at him, he suppressed the amusement at her stubbornness.

“As I said, we’re heading to a secure location where you will explain Copyright 2016 - 2024