Prince's Master - Alessandra Hazard Page 0,18

order. It might be a strange way to describe someone’s mind, but Idhron’s mind really was incredibly orderly. Nothing was out of place. All of his memories were locked behind countless mental doors. No emotion leaked through.

He was suddenly pushed roughly out of Idhron’s mind, a headache splitting his skull.

“Curiosity is not a bad trait,” Idhron said as Eridan massaged his temples. “But one that could have gotten you killed if you were anyone else.”

Eridan couldn’t even manage a glare. His eyes were still squeezed shut as he fought nausea from his pounding headache.

He heard Idhron sigh and walk around the desk. “Let this be a small warning, Eridan,” he said, laying a hand on the side of Eridan’s head and pushing his thumb against his telepathic point. He pushed in, and Eridan moaned in relief as his Master’s cool mental presence soothed the throbbing pain in his head. “If you attempt to intrude into my mind again, I will not be as merciful.”

Eridan nodded dazedly, too lost in pleasure to argue with his Master about the unfairness of it.

He whined when Idhron started withdrawing. “No,” he said breathlessly. “Just a little more.”

He felt that Idhron was less than amused.

“Please, Master,” Eridan said through the bond, pulling him deeper into his mind. He needed—he needed—

Idhron pulled out abruptly, removing his hand. “Enough.”

Still feeling dazed, Eridan forced his eyes open. “But Master,” he said with a pout, grabbing Idhron’s hand unthinkingly.

He froze upon seeing the icy look Idhron was fixing him with.

“You will need to build tolerance to our mental contact,” Idhron bit out. “That was unacceptable. I cannot have an apprentice who gets high on our training bond.”

Eridan flushed. “It’s hardly my fault it feels good!”

“You foolish boy,” Idhron said. “Do you have any idea how vulnerable you make yourself when you invite me in as you did just now?”

Eridan frowned, rather confused. “You’re a Class 7 telepath who has direct access to my mind through our bond. It doesn’t get more vulnerable than that, Master.” Not to mention that I don’t believe that you really care about me making myself vulnerable to you.

He hadn’t expressed the latter thought aloud, but he was sure Idhron picked it up through their connection, since he wasn’t shielding.

Idhron said, “I might be a Class 7, but you are Class 5, strong enough to protect your mind from deep invasion if you really focus. By inviting me in, you give me unlimited power to do whatever I want to your mind.” He cocked his head slightly, the corner of his mouth curling. “You are correct that I do not really care that you are making yourself vulnerable to me. But such… sensitivity is a weakness that can be—and will be—exploited by other telepaths you might be mentally compatible with. I will never be able to trust you with sensitive information if you are reduced to an overstimulated, pleasure-drunk mess every time someone compatible touches your mind.”

Eridan gave him a skeptical look. Mental compatibility was rare enough. In all his years in Hronthar, he had never met anyone else he reacted to in such a way. “You really think I might meet someone else I’ll be this compatible with?”

Idhron pinched the bridge of his nose. “Our compatibility is strong, but it is not perfect. One day you might meet a telepath who will be able to reduce you to such a state simply by looking you in the eye. Perfect compatibility is rare, but it can happen, and I can’t have you being a liability if it does. So you will need to stop being so pathetic and build tolerance to mental pleasure.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” Eridan said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Idhron’s lips thinned in displeasure. “Controlled exposure. I will have to spend a limited amount of time inside your mind every day until it stops being so intense to you.”

Eridan blinked a few times, unsure how he felt about it. “I don’t get a say in this, I guess?”

Idhron looked at him steadily. “You do get a say. But unless you get this problem under control, you cannot become my real apprentice. I will never be able to trust you, just like I will never be able to trust any substance addict.”

Eridan bristled. He wasn’t an addict. “How come you aren’t affected by this compatibility?”

He couldn’t read the expression on Idhron’s face at all. “Because unlike you, I do not let my emotions control me. As I already Copyright 2016 - 2024