Prince's Master - Alessandra Hazard Page 0,110

“Dominic Bommer” is nothing but a role performed by a cynical MI6 agent, who is actually straight, aloof, and manipulative.

Sam is perfectly aware that everything Dominic does is carefully calculated, every emotion faked. He knows that men actually do nothing for Dominic and he doesn’t really want Sam.

But despite knowing all of this, Sam still finds himself falling hard for a man who doesn’t exist.

Or does he?

#9 - Just a Bit Gay (Nick and Tyler)

Tyler Meyer is totally straight. But then the hot woman he’s hooking up with sticks her finger where she shouldn’t, and suddenly he’s not so sure… Straight guys can like that sort of thing too, right?

Except things get confusing–and frustrating–when fingers and toys aren’t quite enough.

Enter Nick Hardaway, Tyler’s best friend. What’s a little fun between bros, right?

#10 - Just a Bit Dirty (Miles and Ian)

A ruthless CEO of a large company.

A British student confused about his sexuality.

They have nothing in common.

The attraction between them makes absolutely no sense.

When Miles Hardaway decided to spend the summer in America to get away from his overbearing family, the last thing he expected was to end up falling for a man he should dislike—but doesn’t.

Ian Caldwell is the most arrogant, bossy man Miles has ever met. He drives Miles absolutely crazy. Although Miles has been warned that Ian is playing some dirty, underhanded game, he finds himself caught between his friends and a man he shouldn’t want.

Who will he choose when his heart and his mind are telling him two different things?


Calluvia: A technologically advanced planet, one of the most influential members of the Union of Planets, inhabited by a telepathic race known as Calluvians.

Calluvians: a humanoid species with telepathic powers. A small percentage of the Calluvians have physical mutations, and those Calluvians are called “throwbacks.”

Union of Planets: An interstellar union of planetary governments that exist semi-autonomously under a single central government; ruled by the Galactic Council and the Chamber of Lords.

Galactic Council: The judicial branch of the Union of Planets.

Chamber of Lords: The legislative body of the Union of Planets. Each planet has a Lord Chancellor that represents them in the Chamber of Lords.

Lord Chancellor: An elected politician that represents the planet in the Chamber of Lords, also the head of the planet’s branch of the Ministry of Intergalactic Affairs.

Ministry of Intergalactic Affairs: an interstellar organization that regulates foreign affairs and the use of TNIT; a branch of the Galactic Council.

TNIT: Transgalactic Nearly Instantaneous Teleportation — the preferred method of travel between planets of the Union. Spaceships do exist, but they are used only for short trips, because the technology is considered obsolete and slow compared to the teleporters. Planets like Earth that have not invented TNIT are called pre-TNIT planets.

Calluvian Council of Twelve Grand Clans, or simply the Council: The unified government of Calluvia. It consists of elected members and twelve royal families. Each royal family has two seats: the monarch and the heir to the throne each have one vote. In some cases, if the heir is not of age, they might be represented by a regent, who is usually (but not always) their other parent, the Consort of the monarch.

Grand Clans: Twelve independent kingdoms of Calluvia, ruled by royal houses. For example, the First Grand Clan is the largest kingdom, ruled by the First Royal House.

First Queen: The Queen of the First Grand Clan.

Queen-Consort or King-Consort: The spouse of the ruling monarch of a grand clan.

Heir to the Throne: the Crown Prince or Crown Princess of the royal house, the second most important person in the Grand Clan. Until the age of twenty-five, the heir is represented in the Council by a regent.

T-nulls: Telepathically null Calluvians that have no active telepathic abilities.

Korviu: Invaluable chemical element necessary for the use of transgalactic teleporters. Large deposits of korviu cause magnetic disturbances that prevent the use of the TNIT and other electronic devices.

Childhood Bond: A telepathic bond between two Calluvian children, usually established at the age of two or three. It binds children together, making them life-long partners. The bond makes the bondmates predisposed to like each other and allows them to communicate telepathically. The bond has a side-effect few know about: it weakens people’s senses, including their telepathy and ability to feel arousal. When the youngest of the bondmates turns twenty-five, the childhood bond is transformed into a marriage bond by a mind adept of the High Hronthar.

Marriage Bond: A transformed childhood bond that allows bondmates to feel sexual arousal. The invasive nature of the bond usually makes people incapable to feel arousal for anyone other than their bondmate, though sometimes the bond can become faulty.

Faulty Bond: A childhood/marriage bond that either doesn’t take or weakens for seemingly no reason; statistical abnormality.

Bonding Law: The law introduced four thousand years ago, supposedly to protect the population from forced telepathic bonds.

Tai’Lehr: A small planet, an industrial colony of the Third Grand Clan that has been effectively cut off Calluvia by the Shibal-Kuvasi war zone for centuries. Unbeknown to Calluvia, it’s a home to the rebels, the Calluvians that fled their grand clans after refusing to conform to the Bonding Law. Due to the huge deposits of korviu on the planet, the colony cannot use transgalactic teleporters and long-range communicators.

High Hronthar: An ancient Order of monks that specialize in the mind arts. The mind adepts of the High Hronthar heal mental trauma, create telepathic bonds, and officiate marriages. They are the only people on Calluvia not bound by childhood bonds; therefore, they are the strongest telepaths on the planet.

Hronthar: a secret town of the High Hronthar Order located in the Kavalchi Mountains.

Kavalchi Mountains, or Great Mountains: One of the tallest and steepest mountains in the galaxy. Due to the deposits of korviu in that region, many electronic devices do not work well.

Throwbacks: a small percentage of Calluvians that share biological traits with the surl’kh’tu, their primitive intersex ancestor that lived a million years ago. Although throwbacks are not intersex, male throwbacks produce natural lubrication when they are aroused.

List of Characters

Second Grand Clan

Queen Tamirs, or Tamirs’shni’chaali: The Queen of the Second Grand Clan, the mother of Ksar, Sanyash, and Harry.

King-Consort Zahef or Zahef’ngh’chaali: the King-Consort of the Second Grand Clan, the father of Ksar, Sanyash, and Harry.

Ksar, or Ksar’ngh’chaali: The Crown Prince of the Second Grand Clan and the Lord Chancellor of Calluvia. A Class 7 telepath. Betrothed: Prince Seyn.

Sanyash, or Sanyash’shni’chaali: A princess, the sister of Ksar and Harry, lives on a colony away from Calluvia.

Harry, or Harht’ngh’chaali: The youngest prince of the Second Grand Clan. A Class 4 telepath. Fiance: Adam Crawford. Copyright 2016 - 2024