Prince's Master - Alessandra Hazard Page 0,107

A marriage between two alphas was unheard of for a reason, and it wasn’t because alphas couldn’t want other alphas. Although Royce wasn’t one of them, there were alphas that were attracted to other alphas. It was very rare and taboo, but such things happened. The problem was, sustaining an alpha-alpha relationship was impossible. It was biologically difficult for two alphas to live together without trying to establish dominance over their partner, and such rare relationships tended to quickly turn violent, abusive, and toxic. Considering that the alpha in question was an enemy general responsible for countless deaths in his country and Royce already disliked the man before even meeting him, this was a disaster in waiting. And since he was pretending to be a beta, everyone would expect him to defer to his alpha husband—or at least the traditionalists would expect it. Not that Royce gave a fuck about their opinions.

As far as the traditionalists were concerned, an alpha was supposed to mate only an omega and keep the omega pregnant year in and year out. They would consider a marriage between a male alpha and a male beta a waste, since they couldn’t have children the traditional way.

“I’m surprised Prince Haydn requested a beta,” Royce said. “From everything I’ve heard of him, he sounds like a traditionalist.”

Taube shrugged. “I’ve heard rumors that he likes the challenge of betas and considers omegas too easy.”

Royce almost laughed. It was kind of ironic. If Haydn Schaefer liked a challenge, he was going to be in for a nice surprise—if they managed not to kill each other within a week.

“All right,” Royce said, getting to his feet. “When is the wedding?”

Taube smiled. “In two days.”

Coming Soon…

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A sneak peek from Dearly Despised, Book #5 in Calluvia’s Royalty series:

Dalatteya’il’zaver stood on the grand staircase of the palace—her palace, regardless of the upstart boy who called himself King.

She was watching the scene unfolding downstairs. That sweet boy Eridan was hugging his brother goodbye. They were too far for her to hear what they were saying, but Warrehn was clearly sad and frustrated, no matter how hard he was trying to hide it as he bid farewell to his brother and the High Adept.

Dalatteya averted her gaze from the High Adept. She could never look at him without shuddering. She had her suspicions why, and she was already working on ways to overcome that problem if her suspicions turned out to be correct.

“Look at him,” she murmured. “He feels so angry. Lost. Lonely. His brother has abandoned him. He’s so alone. Now is the perfect time to act, my dear.”

The young man beside her stared at Warrehn’s hunched shoulders for a long moment before nodding.

Dalatteya smiled.

Soon, everything would finally be all right.

To be released in 2021

Calluvia's Royalty series

#1 - That Alien Feeling

He's the most precious human being Adam has ever seen. Too bad he isn't human.

Banished by his parents to the third planet in the Sol system, Prince Harht’ngh’chaali of the Second Grand Clan is completely fascinated by its inhabitants. Assuming the human name “Harry,” he tries to pass for a human to survive, but being human is so much harder than Harry expected. Humans are so confusing.

Adam Crawford isn’t looking for love. Financially secure and good-looking, he’s in a good place in his life. He doesn’t mean to fall in love with the quirky guy working at the coffee shop near his office. Harry is ridiculous—and ridiculously endearing. He wears ugly shirts and flowers in his hair, and he has a kind word for everyone. Adam falls hard and fast.

Little does he know that Harry isn’t what he seems and anything between them is impossible.

Star-crossed love between a human man and an alien prince from a world half a galaxy away.

#2 - That Irresistible Poison

“I hate you.” Please touch me.

“You sicken me.” Hold me closer.

“I want to be free of you.” I can’t live without you.

The messed up part is he means everything he says.

The youngest prince of his clan, Seyn has been betrothed to the crown prince of another clan since birth. Everyone says he’s so lucky to marry one of the most respected, powerful men on the planet, but Seyn knows better.

He hates him with every fiber of his being. Ksar is a cold, uncaring, overbearing bastard who uses underhanded tactics to achieve his goals and who either ignores Seyn or criticizes everything about him. Copyright 2016 - 2024