The Prince's Devious Proposal - Holly Rayner Page 0,10

“I won’t miss the money. And it’s a pleasure to pay when the company is so exquisite.”

She was charmed. Ordinarily she wouldn’t have been at all comfortable letting someone treat her to something so expensive, but she had to admit he was swaying her. “Well…that sounds like a terrific idea.”

“Wonderful!” Petr said. “May I pick you up at your house at seven?”

“Yes, that works great. I’ll be ready,” Naomi said, feeling a bit overwhelmed at how quickly the plan had come together.

She spent the rest of the day trying on clothes from her old touring days, struggling to find an outfit that would feel appropriate for an evening out. Many of the dresses were a little too casual for this occasion. There were things you could wear onstage at a concert that you just couldn’t wear to a formal dinner.

She finally settled on a black sheath dress. She had worn it with a lot of chunky jewelry when she had performed in it, but tonight she settled for simple stud earrings and a silver drop chain necklace. She put her hair up in a knot high at the back of her head and went to the window to wait for Petr’s arrival.

She had only been waiting for a few minutes when a black luxury car pulled up outside the condo. The door opened and Petr got out.

Naomi’s eyes widened. He was dressed in a tailored suit that fit his body perfectly. Clearly, he kept himself in shape.

And that car was nice.

I guess he really can afford to take me to the Lobster Claw, she thought, hurrying out to meet him.

He grinned as she approached. “You look wonderful,” he said, then kissed her hand. “Ready to go?”

Naomi gave a quick intake of breath at the gesture. “Ready,” she whispered.

She got into the car as Petr held the door for her. Then he got in and pulled away from the curb.

“I love this car,” she said belatedly. “But you really didn’t have to drive.”

“The Lobster Claw is all the way on the other side of town,” he pointed out. “We couldn’t have walked there.”

“Right,” she said. “But I could have gotten a cab or something.”

“I like picking you up. Then I get to spend more time with you,” he said and reached over and gave her hand a quick squeeze. “Do you own a car?”

“Yes,” she said. “But I try not to drive it on the weekends. I save it for work. Gas is so expensive, and I try to do my part for the environment.”

“That’s very conscientious,” he said. “And us carpooling helps with that.”

“True enough,” she said with a small smile.

They had light conversation during the car ride. Something about Petr made her feel at ease. At one point she described growing up with wealthy parents, something she usually didn’t talk about.

“My parents were socialites,” she said, “always taking themselves off to fancy galas and parties. They’d come home in knockout clothes, tipsy and happy, but they’d still take the time to put me and my sister to bed.”

Petr laughed at that and said, “Sounds like growing up was an adventure at your house.”

And naturally, the topic of her career came up again. Petr insisted that she was a success because she recorded an album with a hit song.

“It’s thanks to my parents that I was able to get started in music. They produced my album,” Naomi said.

Petr nodded. “They might have given you your start, but your success is your own.”

She grinned. “Thanks for saying that,” she said. “A lot of people, when they find out my parents produced my album, assume that my music couldn’t have been any good.”

“Of course it was good!” Petr said. “You had a hit song.”

“Right, but I only had one hit song,” Naomi said. “And I never recorded a second album. I couldn’t follow my own act.”

“Why is that?” Petr asked. “What happened after the tour? Did you just stop writing?”

Naomi hesitated. This was something she didn’t like to talk about very much. Petr was easy to talk to, but maybe it was time to change the subject.

Fortunately, she was spared answering for the moment by their arrival at the restaurant. Petr pulled up to the valet stand, gave his keys to the driver, and led Naomi inside, his hand resting on the small of her back as he guided her. Her skin heated up where his hand was, a thrill going through her at his touch. He had made a reservation, and Copyright 2016 - 2024