Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,75

tingle of magic shooting from where their hands were still joined. He didn’t question the new title yet, though his thoughts were racing. Slowly, he placed his other hand on Drake’s shoulder and tugged him to his feet.

“I accept your oath, Drake, and welcome your friendship and service.” Formality done, he hugged the other man close, pounding him on the back once for good measure. When he released his old friend, his face was confused. “What’s this King-Consort nonsense?”

“Didn’t you realize? By marrying our Riki here, you became, in effect, King and Spymaster of the Jinn.” Drake laughed and winked at Riki, making her smile. “Your network has just increased five-fold, Nico. The eyes of the Brotherhood now report to you.”

“And who led them before?” Nico had a sneaking suspicion, but it needed confirmation.

“Why, I did, of course!” Drake laughed, setting Nico’s mind at ease. Taking over someone else’s network was risky at best, but if the network was Drake’s to begin with, the situation just became a whole lot easier to deal with.

“Then you will continue, Drake of the Five Lands—Drake of Draconia—to serve as Spymaster for the Brotherhood of the Jinn.” Nico used his best formal voice even though his heart was light with laughter. “But you’ll have to let me know what’s going on now, of course.”

Drake bowed his head, all smiles. “Of course, my liege.”

“You sly dog. I’ve been trying to crack the Brotherhood’s spy network for years.”

Drake laughed. “Yes, I know.”

“And you’ve been leading me in circles, haven’t you? I ought to pummel you for that, my friend.”

“You can try,” Drake dared him, laughing all the while. “But think of it this way…you’ve finally got an in with the Brotherhood and it cost you nothing at all.”

Drake walked away then, leaving them with a smile and a wave as he jumped aboard his loaded wagon and drove out. He was whistling as he left them, waving as they waved back.

“He’s wrong, you know.” Nico pulled Riki into his arms as they watched Drake drive off. “It cost me my heart. But that’s a price I’m more than willing to pay.”

For someone who had only just discovered she could become a dragon that morning, Riki flew beautifully that evening as they took off with their five new black dragon friends for the north. Nico marveled at how quickly the Jinn had dispersed. One moment a giant gathering had filled the encampment, the next all that was left was a circle of smoldering skith corpses. Nothing of the Jinn remained. Even the grass cooperated, looking as if nothing had trod upon it in ages. The land was as pristine as it had been before the Jinn arrived. Only the dead skiths marred the beautiful forest landscape.

Their honor guard flew in formation, one in front, one on either side of Nico and Riki and two behind, guarding their backs. They hadn’t known at first what positions to take until Nico gently guided them into a formation used regularly in Draconia.

Of the five black dragons, two were female and three male. Of the females, one was about Riki’s age or perhaps a few years older. Her name was Kira and she flew to Riki’s side, quite obviously hoping to make friends with someone near her own age. She looked to be a fierce fighter as well. When she’d walked up, decked out in leather from head to toe just like a male warrior, Nico had taken a second look. Jinn women were known for their bright dresses and gold jewelry, but this girl was very different.

The other female was older and had a more mystical quality about her. Although she looked like she could handle herself in a fight, she had healer written all over her and Estella had confirmed she was, in fact, a seer as well. Zallra was her name and she had asked to come on the trip because of a vision she shared with none but Arabetta.

The men were all seasoned fighters, though Arabetta had confided to Nico that one of them, an older man named Seth, had quite a bit of magic at his disposal. The other two were twins named Jase and Jeffry. They fought as a unit both on the ground and in the sky. They of all the black dragons were the most likely to be able to fight well from the air, under Nico’s command, without much training. Nico was glad to have them and as they winged their way Copyright 2016 - 2024